Thursday, February 27, 2020

New Medal

Now that I'm getting a little overtime again, I decided to do another of my Yes.Fit races.  This one was Nessie, and as you might guess, it took place near Loch Ness, Scotland.

To be honest, I was a bit disappointed in this one.  The route was all around the lake shore, but you could hardly even see the water for the trees.  Still, the medal is pretty cool. 

We are working this weekend again.  Here's the deal.  When we first started working Saturdays, we were working 6-2.  Then someone in sheet metal department wanted to work 5-1, so we switched.  Then last week, sheet metal wanted to go back to 6-2.  I guess they didn't like that, because now we're back to 5-1.  And everyone in tubing/sub-brazing is asking, "Why do we always have to do what sheet metal wants?"  I just hope they pick a time and stick with it.  I'm tired of changing my clocks. 

I had something else I wanted to tell you, but right now, I'm so tired, I can't even think of what it was, so I'll just leave you with your Texas History moment for the day. 

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