Wednesday, February 26, 2020



That's what I am.  Plumb knackered. 

Knackered is the British way of saying tuckered. 

We had four brazers out today.  Four.  As if that weren't trouble enough, the parts stager was out as well, so Group Leader Shark had to pull a brazer off his stand to stage.  All in all, we were down five. 

They sent us one guy from the back to help out.  ONE.  So, we were still down four brazers.  Which is no excuse for not having enough headers brazed up -- unless you're second shift.  Then it's a perfectly valid excuse, because they know day shift will have to take up the slack.  Because we have a completely different set of rules we have to follow, you know. 

To make a long story short, I'm so exhausted, I can barely lift my arms.  I've got to find the energy to practice my piano, but then, I'm going to bed. 

But before I go, here is your Texas history for today -- February 26, the fourth day of The Seige.

And yes, that is Queen Elizabeth, visiting the Alamo.

I wonder if she remembers. 

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