Sunday, October 13, 2024

Knitting Into The Void

I spent a good deal of time this morning knitting into the void.  If you're a knitter, you know exactly what I mean.  If you're not, let me see if I can explain it to you. 

The ribbing section of the hat I'm working on is supposed to be 4" wide, so when it looked like it was getting close to 3", I started checking it with my measuring tape.   The first time I checked, the ribbed section was 2.75" long, so I knit about three more rounds and checked again.  It measured 2.75" long.  

I knit four more rounds and checked...again, it measured 2.75".  I knit 47 rounds and finally, the ribbing made it to 3".  Two hundred and sixty eight rounds later, and the ribbing is finally the requisite 4" long.  

OK, I'm exaggerating, but that's what it seems like.  When you're knitting and knitting like that and your piece doesn't seem to be getting any longer, we call that knitting into the void because that's where it seems all your knitting is going.  Occasionally, the void will give all that knitting back at once, and you end up with something that is 2" too long.  Fortunately, that didn't happen to me.  This time...

Nevertheless, the ribbing is done, and now I have to knit 9" of stockinette stitch before I begin the decrease rounds.  This one will be a gift, but I doubt it'll be ready for this Christmas, so even if the recipient sees it, hopefully she'll have a memory like mine and will forget by next year. 

Speaking of Christmas, I watched the first of this year's cheesy movies while I was doing all of that knitting this morning, because I'd DVRed it to watch the game last night -- which I also had to finish this morning because I fell asleep with about 4 minutes left in regulation play.  The score was 20-16 Ole Miss, and I remember thinking that LSU wouldn't be able to come back and win...the next thing I knew, the commentator woke me up shouting, "TOUCHDOWN!  LSU WINS!"  In overtime, no less.  

I found out this morning that it was the second longest game in Tiger Stadium history at 4 hours and 16 minutes.  No wonder I fell asleep!

In other news, was anyone able to see the comet last night?  I walked out a couple of times to try to see it, but couldn't even with my binoculars.  I guess there were too many trees in the way.  It's supposed to be getting higher in the sky over the next few days, so I'll try again tonight.  I may take my phone out and do a long exposure and see if I can catch it that way.  That's how I got all those photos of the Northern Lights, which were barely visible to the naked eye. 

While I was out there, I had a little fun experimenting with long exposure shots of the stars.  

It turned out OK, but the moon was waxing gibbous, and it made the night sky just a little too bright.  If I remember, I'll try it during the next new moon.  Because I know what the phases of the moon are and don't think the government hid the moon...

In other news, look what we have coming up this week:  

 All this cooler weather inspired me to get my piano books out and start playing a bit of Christmas music.   And I splurged and had a sip of egg nog.  OK, more than a sip, and I'm sure I'll pay for it with high glucose tomorrow, but I figure as long as I don't over do it, it's OK to have a treat now and again. 

On a similar note, I've been taste testing all these keto/low carb desserts, and honestly, to me the best ones are the easiest:  a pack of sugar free pudding mix made with heavy whipping cream instead of milk.  Just beat it into a mousse like consistency and you're good to go.  Very simple, very easy. 

I still haven't tried any cake or cookie recipes, though.  I just can't seem to motivate myself to do so.  

Somebody needs to come whip my butt into shape.  

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