Friday, October 04, 2024

Almost Done

I'm almost done switching everything over to my new bank account.  I stopped by the water office this morning to get a new form, and the lady told me since I was already signed up for a draft, all I'd have to do was give them my new account number.  I opened the app and let her copy the new number straight from my phone, and she said I'd made it just in time.  They're going to process this month's payments on Monday, so there won't be any interruption in my payment schedule. 

I think that's all...except for my mortgage, which I always paid by check anyway.  Hopefully, my new checks will arrive during the grace period, so I won't have to try to pay over the phone with my card.  I'll do that as a last resort.  

Once I'd finished with that, I went to the Lee Tartt Nature Preserve and walked one of the trails out there.  And I made myself a Pokémon Go route out of it!  And me being me, I fat fingered the one of the words, but didn't catch it until after the route had been published.  It's supposed to be RIVER Loop, not Rover loop.  

Oh well, it's not likely anyone but me will notice that.  Or maybe they'll think it was deliberate.  One can only hope.  It's a short route -- just over 700 meters -- so I ought to be able to level up my route badge pretty quickly, plus it's my favorite trail out there.  That ought to inspire me to walk it more. 

Then I dropped off a few Pokémon in some gyms and went on to Walmart to do my shopping, where I was delighted -- get it?-- to find they'd finally gotten some pumpkin spice creamer in stock.  

Alas, they didn't have the zero sugar kind, but there's not that much sugar in it anyway.  I can't say the same about the egg nog, though.  My pancreas isn't going to be happy with me for that one!  Oh well...I'd always said I'd buy some when they first put it out, then I wouldn't get any more until right before Christmas.  I've found a recipe for sugar free nog online, and I want to try that.  Maybe it'll be halfway decent.  I've been sort of good, though, because I haven't bought a single bag of Halloween Candy.  Usually I've eaten three or four by now -- both Autumn Mix and Reese's mini cups.  

And look what else I found!

My friend Peggy had some of these when I went up to Missouri last April to watch the eclipse, and I had to apologize, because I ate about half the bag.  I've been looking for them ever since, but hadn't found them here yet.  The ranch flavor, I mean.  They'd had the sea salt and salt & vinegar, but this was the first time I'd seen the ranch.  And yes, I've already eaten half the bag.  

I think I've worked it off digging bulbs though. 

I'm going to have to put that wheelbarrow somewhere else, though, because when I step outside and see this hand out of the corner of my eye, it kind of freaks me out at first.  Until I remember what it is. 

I took a quick break from digging day lily bulbs to dig a few spider lily bulbs that were still in the front yard, out near the road.  

There were only about 10 lilies in that area, but I dug up a whole Walmart bag full of bulbs.  I'm going to take some to one of my coworkers, but I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest.  I'll probably put them in a box out by the road with a sign that says "Free", and the daylily bulbs will be right beside them.  What doesn't get picked up will end up in the fire pit I want to get eventually.  

By the way, the lilies have died back for the year.  I deadheaded the last of them yesterday.  It always makes me a bit sad when the last of them go.  

In the meantime, I'm working on my knitting project that will be a Christmas gift.

 The intended recipient doesn't usually read the blog, but I'm not going to take any chances.  This will be the last photo I post until after Christmas.   I just hope I remember to post one then!

OK, now that I've gotten all of that done, this is going to be me for the rest of the weekend. 

I guess I'd better get started. 


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