Friday, January 26, 2024


"After ice all last week, and rain all this week, I'm ready for some sunshine!"  

So I said to my coworker this morning.  Alas, we've got one more day of rain before the sun comes out, and that day will be tomorrow.  Fortunately, I don't have anything I need to do, other than watch TV and knit.

Do you want to know how much it's rained this week?  This is a 20 qt stock pot that I put out Monday evening before the rain started.  

Full disclosure, about 2" of that is from the last of the ice that I took out of the blue bucket that had cracked, but that's still a lot of rainfall.  

My yard is a sodden mess, made worse by those moles or gophers or whatever they are that's digging it all up.  Days like this, I really miss my Rylea.  She'd have dug those things up and killed them by now. 

OK, moving right along...

You're never going to believe what happened at work today.  I was just a working way, when Crank Pot walked over to the brazer who works next to me and told her she'd made her a pie.  Sometime later, I told that brazer that ever since then, I've been sorely tempted to walk up behind Crank Pot and bark, "Why you ain't made me no pie?"  You know, the same way she did me about the hats.  

I didn't, though.  I said I was going to be a better person than that, but boy I sure wanted to.  I told the brazer, "It isn't even about the pie.  It's the principle of the thing."  Then she told me the reason Crank Pot had made her a pie was because back a few weeks ago, Crank Pot had been sick so Brazer made her a cream cheese pie.  Only Crank Pot had barked and griped that Brazer hadn't done it right.  She was going to make her the same pie and show her how it's supposed to be done.

Like I said, she's very extra.  Can't even be grateful that someone tried to do something nice to her.  But the long and the short of it is, I don't feel bad anymore about sneaking headbands to my friends and not making her any. 

Speaking of headbands, I got another one made last night when I was avoiding blogging.  

OK, I wasn't so much as avoiding blogging, as catching up on my Chicago shows (Med, Fire, PD) and just didn't get around to it.  Sometimes it's OK to take a break.  I thought the new seasons of my shows started this week.  Turns out, they'd started last week, so I'm a week behind.  I'll get caught up this weekend.  Oh, and before I forget, Newheart is up on Prime!  

"Hi, I'm Larry, and this is my brother Darryl, and my other brother Darryl."  

I think the headband turned out pretty good, but the next one I make I'll go back to the Chinese Waitress cast on.  I'd used a cable cast on for this one.  It's easier, but I think CW would look better with the reverse stockinette rows.   I'm also going to go down a needle size.  I did this one on an eight, and it feels loose to me.   But people have different sized heads, not to mention the wigs, weaves, and other big hair dos it'll need to fit around. 

And finally, I finished reading Once Upon A Wardrobe.  It was a good book that could have been a great book -- but wasn't.  

The book is basically a biography of C.S. Lewis, as told by Megs Devonshire to her younger brother George.  George had been born with a heart defect and wasn't expected to live very long.  Somehow, he'd gotten a hold of a copy of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, and has asked Megs to contact Mr. Lewis and find out where the story had come from.  

She meet Jack and his brother Warnie and slowly learns the story of how Narnia came to be, then each day, she goes home and tells George what story Jack had told her that day.  Each story they start off in the same way, by saying, "Once upon a wardrobe, not very long ago and not very far away..."  

It's a unique way to tell a biography.

The only problem I have with this book is that it is told in first person from Megs' point of view.  But that's not the problem.  It switches to third person when she's telling George the stories about Jack's youth, but that makes sense since it is Megs that is telling the story.  However, every so often during the course of the book, when telling Megs and George's story, the POV suddenly switches from first to third person.  It's very jarring, and in my case, at least, it dragged me out of the story.  If you're an avid reader, you know exactly what that means. 

If it hadn't been for that, this would have been one of those books that grabs you and doesn't let you go.  Even so, it was a good book, and worth reading. 

Now that it's done, I'm back to The Bard.  Next up:  Two Gentlemen From Verona. 

I guess that's it for tonight.  If you'll excuse me, I've got laundry to fold.  

Yes, I really do fold my laundry.  Don't envy me my exciting life. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

That old crank pot ...

I've never heard of the waitress cast on. I'll have to look that one up. Thank goodness for Youtube.

I'm still watching House. I might be on season 3 now.

Now that there is a storyline for the main characters, I'm finding it more interesting.