Saturday, January 20, 2024

Another One

I'm just about addicted to knitting these little headbands.  Yep, I whipped out another one today, after making a bit of a  tweak to this pattern. Can you see what it is?

OK, I know the photo isn't the best, so I'll tell you.  I used seed stitch instead of the K1P1 rib on the rows between the reverse stockinette.  I kind of like the way it turned out, and look at this!  It's fully reversable!

In fact, I think if I knit any more of these, I'll work them from the knit side.  Also, I'm going to go down a needle size.  I knit this one on size 8, and it feels just a bit loose.  I'll go down to a size 7, which is what I knit the ribbing on hats with anyway.  That'll make it a bit more snug.  

In other news, I've always been fascinated with icicles.  I don't know what it is about them, but I love seeing them.   These have formed on my shed from the ice melting then re-freezing.  

I guess that's it for today.  When you've been housebound for a week, not much happens that's worth talking about.  I'm telling you, though, I'm not sure what has been going on with my back, but it's sure been hurting.  It feels like severe muscle spasms, and it's just in this one little spot.  I think it has something to do with my scoliosis.  

I was diagnosed when I was 12, but the doctor back then said mine was so mild, I didn't really need to do any sort of corrective therapy -- like wearing a brace -- or having surgery.  If I didn't tell anyone, they'd never know.  But he did say it could cause my troubles as I get older, and since all my worst back pain always seems to happen in the same spot, I'm thinking that's what it is.  I have stretches that help, but I've gotten kind of lax about doing them lately.  I need to get more consistent with them. 

The only thing that has helped is sitting with a heating pad on it.   It seems to have calmed down a bit today, so I'm hoping the troubles have passed.  

I haven't needed to take any Tylenol all day, so maybe....


Amnicon Studio said...

Heating pads are wonderful!

I like your headbands, and if you are enjoying making them, even better!

I'm guessing you were back at work today (Monday?). After a few days off last weekend -- using up vacation -- It was tough getting back into a routine today. I have tomorrow off for a dental appointment.

Becky G said...

Thank you! And yep, I was back at work today. I didn't want to, but somebody has to pay these bills, and since I can't seem to find a Sugar Daddy who isn't a creepy weirdo....