Saturday, January 13, 2024


 Fresh off the needles:  the prototype headband I was trying to work out yesterday. 

It's so fresh, I haven't even woven the ends in yet.  Overall, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, but I am going to make a few tweaks before I finalize the pattern.  For one, I'm going with fewer cast on stitches.  This one is an 88 stitch cast on, which isn't huge, but when I tried it on, it felt a bit loose.  Fortunately, with this one, all you have to do is cast on an even number, so it's easy to adjust the size. I'll just label this one as an XL, and give it to the brazer with the big head. 

Literally a big head.  I'm not talking about attitude here.  

The other tweak I want to make is I want to make it a bit wider.  Right now it measures about 3 1/2" and I think if I make it 4", it'll be better.  That'll be easy.  Just knit a few more rounds.  

My other big project for the day was to turn over my inventory of canned goods.  I try to do that every six months or so, just so I can eat up the older stuff first.  

This time around, I had the idea to write the month and year of the best by date on top of the can in sharpie to make it easier to see.  I'm not overly worried about the dates though, because canned goods will last much longer than that.  If the can isn't pooched out, more than likely the stuff is still good.  Even so, I'm going to give things the good old sniff test before I eat them. 

I was a bit shocked at how many cans of corned beef hash I have. I know I love the stuff, but really...And I found a can of pumpkin puree, and I'm sorely tempted to make a pie.  But wait, I just remembered I have a pumpkin soup recipe somewhere.  Maybe I'll make that instead.  It's been a while, but I remember it being good. 

That's about it for today, unless you want to hear about the plethora of winter storm warnings that I've been getting for the last two days.  I had to break the ice on the water trough I have out back so the wild things could drink when I got up this morning.  The thermometer on my back porch said it got up to almost 60°, but it sure didn't feel like it.   My phone app said it only got up to 47°, and that seems closer to how it felt outside to me.  

FWIW, they're saying it will be NEXT Monday until it gets that warm again.  Not day after tomorrow, but Monday week.  But, I've got plenty of wood, plenty of yarn, and plenty of books, and despite what some of you seem to think, enough sense to charge up all my electronics before the freezing rain starts.  

This ain't my first rodeo after all.  Or my second.  Or even my third.  You might just say I'm a rodeo veteran by this time. 

I got this. 


Amnicon Studio said...

I'd say you were more than prepared for this go-round! Go you!

Our area got surprise subzero temps. Last week, and early this week, the forecasters were saying we'd have temps in the lower 30s this weekend. Nope. Yesterday was a surprised below zero temp in the morning. This morning I woke up to -3 at 5 a.m., and it dropped a few more degrees before it finally started warming up. I don't think it got warmer than 7 today.

Becky G said...

I think the only time I've ever been that cold was when I was in one of my Navy "A" schools at Great Lakes, Illinois. I had to stand a night watch in the McDonald's parking lot there on base, and Navy uniforms aren't very warm at all! That broke me of any desire I ever had to live up North!

Amnicon Studio said...

We are a different breed up here. It also helps if you were born and raised in the cold north. :-)

Becky G said...

Yep, and me, I was raised in the deep south with the heat and humidity and skeeters and alligators...