Monday, January 29, 2024

Re-Thinking Things

Ok, you know I’ve been having issues with my back here lately. I’d been blaming my recliner, but after thinking about it more, I’m not so sure. I’ve had that recliner for 8 years, and the back issues for just a few weeks. Now I’m thinking it’s just from going back to work after having so much time off between Christmas and the ice storm.  Today at work,  that idea just seemed to get reinforced as every time I picked up my brazing rod I got shooting spasms across my back.   All day long, I was in such pain, I almost packed it in and went home early.  But I didn't. 

Until the end of the shift, that is.  I was walking down the aisle towards the employee exit when I discovered quite by accident that if I swing my left arm back and forth vigorously like you do when you're power walking, it seems to help.  

Even after I got home, when I felt my back cramping up, I stood up and swung my arm and the cramps stopped!  Woo Hoo!  I'll have to remember that for the next time around.  My coworkers might look at me weirdly, but whatever works.  Hopefully, my muscles will toughen back up soon and the cramps will stop.  

Another thing I'm re-thinking is leaving my piano up against the wall like this. 

I'd turned it around so I'd have room to put up the Christmas tree, and decided to leave it.  It does make the living room feel bigger, but there is a downside.  Since I spend so much of my life at work, I tend to do a lot of multitasking while I'm at home, including practicing my piano while watching TV.  

I know, I know, not ideal but that's how it goes. 

However, with the piano facing the wall and my back to the TV, I find I'm not practicing nearly as much as I need to.  Well, I've never practiced as much as I need to, but now I'm practicing even less.  Maybe turning the piano around will rectify that. 

And finally, in knitting news, I cast on another headband.

I'm just going to make this one 2 x 2 rib for about 4 or so inches.  Very simple. Very easy.  The reason I did this is because I didn't have much yarn left, so I thought I would knit until I ran out, but I don't think I'll get 4" out of it.  The good news is, I found another whole skein of this color -- Country Blue, by the way-- in the cabinet, so no worries about running out.  

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go practice that there piano so I can go to bed.  

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Hey, do whatever makes you happy and gets you practicing as much as you want. It's your house! :-P

If you are used to standing so much, that could very well be why your back is giving you issues.