Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Drama Of A Different Kind

So, there I was at work, just a working away when my coworker asked, "Becky, have you seen [Supervisor]?"

"He was here this morning,"  I replied.  Thinking more about it, I said, "I saw him at their 9:00 meeting that they do, but haven't seen him since."  

That's when she told me he'd walked out.  As in quit.  What????  I have no idea what had happened, but I know he's gone.  As an aside, Greedy Bess said that they'd called Supervisor and Cuz up to the front office, and only Cuz came back so that means they fired him, but I wouldn't put too much stock in anything Greedy Bess says.  You remember, of the "What if you don't have any minutes on your phone?" fame...

Nobody seems to know why he quit, but honestly, he was in over his head out there.  He'd told me at his previous job he'd been a supervisor of supervisors, whatever that means.  But from conversations I'd had with him, it seemed to me all he did was sit and do paperwork all day.  Vacations schedules, payrolls, that sort of thing.  Any time we needed him for anything, he acted like he couldn't make a decision.  He'd usually tell us to go get with Group Leader Shark about whatever it was we needed.  

The part that's really funny about it is I had just called Cuz over and asked him what we were supposed to do with our scrap.  For those of you who have a memory like mine, several weeks ago, The Scrap Witch had told Scrap Man not to pick up any scrap from the sub brazers because we shouldn't have any.  Except that we do.  Supervisor had told me that we -- meaning the brazers -- were supposed to walk over to tubing and figure out who had run that order and get her to write a scrap ticket, which will likely involve a 10 minute long argument because they aren't going to want to deal with their own scrap over there.  I'd asked Supervisor if he was serious, and he kind of shrugged and said, "Don't worry about it.  I'll figure something out."  Only he didn't.  

Cuz told me to just put the scrap into a bin, and I said, "Yeah, but what are we supposed to do with it then if Scrap Man isn't allowed to pick it up and take it out?  We need some clarity on this."  He said he'd talk to The Scrap Witch and get things straightened out.  But Scrap Man still didn't pick up our scrap today, so I don't know what's going on with it.  OK, the funny part is, when we were having this conversation, I hadn't known that Supervisor was gone.  

After I finished talking to Cuz and had gone back to work, Crank Pot came up behind me and told me her sister had seen her Calorimetry and really liked it.  I was already mentally gearing up to give her my No, I am not knitting your sister one speech, but she surprised me and said, "She wants to know how you made it.  Did you use two needles or what?"  I was almost snarky, but managed to contain myself and said, "Let me give you the website to the pattern" instead.  I wrote it down, and then spent the rest of the day wondering why she pitched such a fit over the hats if her sister knits.  Just get one from her!  But it isn't about the hats.  It's about someone getting something that she doesn't get.  

Anyway, once she'd gone back to her side of the plant, one of the other brazers -- the one who'd gotten the very first Calorimetry the day I brought all that stuff in a year ago -- told me that Crank Pot had come over that day and demanded that she give her that headband.  Didn't ask.  Demanded.  

Who does she think she is?  I'm just glad I'm done with all that.  

Except that I'm sneaky.  I asked one of my coworkers if I could take a photo of her headband so I could try to work out the pattern and knit some.  She was happy to oblige, and as you can see, my memory was wayyy off.  

 None of the ones I knit look like that.  But now that I've got a photo, I can reverse engineer it and make something similar, if not exactly like it.  Headbands are so fun to make, because they're quick and easy, and you can experiment with so many different patterns.          

In piano news, I've gotten back to trying to work through my lessons.  This one came up in my sight reading exercise book, only I was confused about how to play those base clef notes. 

This morning before I left for work, I posted on Facebook asking my piano gurus what I was supposed to do.  Wouldn't you know it -- I got different answers from different people. The funny thing is, all the ones I know have a musical background gave me the same answer, so that's the one I went with.  One of them even explained why, but of course, it has to be a real piano for it to work.  So, now I've got to try to find a piano to borrow for about 10 minutes.  

Won't be tonight, though.  I'm not doing anything else tonight. 


Amnicon Studio said...

Your work is never dull. ...

Becky G said...

You should hear the stuff I don't post!

Some things I can't talk about, because too many of my coworkers read the blog. Including bosses...

Amnicon Studio said...

I'm careful of what I write on my blog, too.