Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Dear Place Of Employment

Because you don't seem to realize it, let me clue you into a little something. An inch is a standardized unit of measure. 

It does not lengthen or shorten depending on which machine you use to cut a part. 

By the same token, a degree is also a standardized unit of measure.  

It does not change depending upon which machine you bend the part on.   

Therefore, if you truly are making your parts to the specifications on the blueprint, it shouldn't matter which machine you make them on, and it should matter even less that you make parts for the same assembly on different machines. 

That means if we put the parts into a brazing jig and one is half an inch longer than the other five, you did something wrong.  That's not "just the way it is”, and it is not because you "mixed machines."  If you do them right, they'll be right. 

No matter which machine you use. 

Perhaps it's you who should be getting your act together. 

Thank you.

That is all.