Monday, February 13, 2023

Headbands and Hats

I did it.  

Since I've got a new load of firewood being delivered this Saturday --  I hope-- I went ahead and built me a fire in my little wood stove yesterday morning.  Oooh, it made my house so nice and toasty warm!  I'd missed that coziness.  

I hope this guy comes through and doesn't blow me off like so many others around here have done.  I think this one might actually show up, since he made notes and stuff.  If so, I might have a reliable source.  He seems like a good sort, even if he did tell me about every single person he'd ever delivered firewood to in his whole entire life. 

Ok, maybe not, but it sure seemed like it at the time. 

While I was enjoying all that toasty warmth and waiting for the Super Bowl to start, I picked this hat back up.

I'm about 1/2" away from starting the crown decreases.  I'm not sure why I had such a block about knitting this hat, but it's taken forever to finish this one.  Probably because I keep casting on these headbands.  

Speaking of, I wanted to show you the difference changing needle sizes -- even just one size up or down.  

 The one on top, I knit with a size 8, and the one on bottom was knit with a size 9.  You can clearly see how much bigger the one on bottom is.   I think I'm going to make a few of each size and let my coworkers choose which size they want.  But even the bigger size is smaller than the pattern calls for.  

Pattern writers must have gigantic heads.  

Well, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so this morning -- as a lighthearted jest -- Group Leader Shark posted this up on the board.  Which isn't actually a board.  It's a stanchion, but it's what we stick notices and stuff to.  With magnets and all. 

Anyway, Group Leader Shark posted this for tomorrow. 

Well, darn!  I was planning on wearing red, but I guess I'm going to have to find a purple or gray shirt instead.  I for sure ain't wearing blue, I can tell you that much!  

Sometime later, another coworker added a tenth code. 

I was ugly.  I had to repent.  For what?  

Because I leaned over to my friend and said, "I guess her heart is broken because that married man she's been fooling around with for years still hasn't left his wife for her.  Which he won't, because they never do."  Even if he did, why would you want someone you already know would be willing to cheat on you?  You know what they say, if he'll do it with you, he'll do it to you. 

And finally, I finished reading The Phantom Tollbooth.  It wasn't as good as I remembered it being as a child.  I mean, it was good, but usually I devour kids books.  This one took me a long time to read, for all it was a relatively short novel.   

Next up, The Scourge

At first glance, I thought this was inspired by COVID, but no.  It was published in 2016.  Apparently, it's a stand alone novel, which is rare these days.  

I'll let you know how it goes. 

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