Saturday, April 10, 2021

I Took A Risk

So, what has happened since last I blogged?  Let's see...  We had some severe weather.  Then we had some more severe weather...That's the last time I hope for something exciting to happen!  

Tuesday night, we had some storms blow through, but at least my power didn't go out...until it did. went out sometime between 1:30 and 2:00 AM Wednesday morning, and my first thought was, "Boy, I hope it's not out for 4 days this time!"  It wasn't. 

I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't drop off for wondering if the electricity would come back on before I had to get up and get ready for work.  It didn't.  I lay there debating whether I should use that as and excuse and just call in sick for the day.  I didn't.  

In the end, I told myself not to throw away a whole day's pay just because I didn't want to get ready in the dark.  After all, I've done it before, more than once, so I got up and dressed by lantern light and went on in to work. 

Some of my coworkers and I were talking about the storm, and I said, "Yeah, and we get to do it all over again tomorrow!"  Which would be yesterday as you are reading this. Before I left, I reminded my coworker, "Cyn!  Don't forget!  Storms tonight".  She said, "Nope!  I don't believe it!"  

Whether she believed it or not, the storms came through, right on schedule.  I'm telling ya, when that wind hit, it hit hard.  It made the cat bow up and start hissing!  It got a bit rough there, but it got really rough down south.  The hail was unreal!  This is just one of the many pictures sent in to the meteorologists I follow.  

 As I lay there in bed, listening to the wind blow, I said to myself, "If my electricity goes out again -- for the second time this week-- I'm definitely going to call in this time!"  But it didn't, so I didn't.  

Anyway, after the winds hit and the cat bowed up and started hissing, she went into hiding, and I couldn't find her anywhere.  Normally, I shut her up in Cody's room at night, but since she was nowhere to be found, I just left the door open.  She eventually came out, and other than yowling outside my bedroom door a few times, she did really well overnight.  Not only that, she seemed a lot less clingy when I got up for work.  On the strength of that, I took a risk and left her out while I went to work.  And by "out" I mean, not shut in Cody's room.  Not outside.  I'm still not quite brave enough to let her go outside.  

The house was still standing, and the dog was still living when I got home, so it appears the days of shutting her in the bedroom are over.  I know she'll be glad of that.  She's finally starting to feel at home here.  I just hate that she has to stay by herself so much.  She's used to having someone around all the time, and what with me working these 10 hour shifts...

Speaking of work, there I was at work, just a working away when the familiar cry came, "Garbage!"  As is our custom, all the sub-brazers grabbed their little garbage cans and went to empty them into the dumpster while the garbageman was in our area.  All except Stalker.  He dumped his garbage into the cardboard bin.  Then we all stood there laughing at him while he had to clean it out.  

And finally, the last few items from my little spending spree have arrived.  This first one needs no explanation:

And, of course, more new yarn.  

Here's a better shot of the minis.  They will be going into my sock yarn blankets.

The big hank will as well, once I've knit something from it, that is.  These are from my friend Leann's shop, Forbidden Fiber Co.  She has some beautiful colors.  Even the cat approves. 

That's about it for now, but I can tell you one thing, I will not be hoping for something more exciting to happen!  I've had about enough excitement for a while, thankyouverymuch. 


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