Saturday, April 03, 2021

More New Things

 Well, Stalker starts his new job Monday, and we'll all be glad to be rid of him.  When my coworker told me, she grinned from ear to ear, and clapped her hands like a little girl on Christmas morning.  He calls her Mary-Lou, and it makes her so mad.  "That's not my name!" she says.  

I finally managed to piece together the whole story, because last I'd heard, they hadn't given him the job.  Turns out, only two people had even applied, and they'd given the job to the other person.  Unfortunately, his supervisor wouldn't let him accept it.  She said he's too valuable and she just can't give him up.  Curious, I walked back to see what it was he did that was so vital she couldn't train someone else to do it.  Do you know what he was doing? 

He was taking the completed units off the assembly line, and stacking them on the pallet so they could be loaded on to the truck and shipped out.  Anyone can do that.  But what really gets me is, she had to sign the application before he could even turn it in to HR.  Unless they changed things since I last applied for a job out there, that is.  So, why did she sign the application in the first place, if she wasn't going to let him accept the job?  

Anyway, she didn't release him, so Stalker got the job by default.  I don't think it's going to go well, as he is lazy and doesn't want to work, for one thing, and they don't want him back there, for another.  It'll be interesting to watch.  Even so, I'm glad he's going away, and there will be two, yes two, count them, TWO cinder block walls between me and his constant staring.  

In other news, two more of my small business purchases arrived since last I blogged.  The first was the other skein of yarn I'd ordered from Ravenswood Fibers.  I was a bit concerned because they'd arrived in envelopes.  Flat envelopes. 

Really flat envelopes. 

I had a moment of panic when the first one arrived, wondering if I'd been ripped off.  There couldn't possible be 400 meters of yarn in there, could there?  Turns out there was.

She'd vacuum sealed the skeins, which makes sense, since she had to pay international shipping from Canada.  Once I'd cut the package open and hanked the yarn, it looked just fine. 

OK, maybe not so fine, because my hanks tend to look like a snake having a seizure.  But the yarn is beautiful.  She has some gorgeous colorways, and I love the way she posts the picture which inspired her.  Do go check her out, if you're in the market for some beautiful yarn. 

Wonder of wonders, they gave us today off at work.  They carried around a piece of paper asking for volunteers, and didn't get a single one -- at least not from my department.  I've spent most of today --after doing chores -- watching TV and trying to get this cat feeling more at home here.  After yowling most of the morning, she finally settled in for a long afternoon nap.  She's still hissing at Jesse, though, so we're not quite there, yet. 

Oh, and on a wild hair, I decided to dye Easter Eggs.  

I still had some old dye from way back in the day when I decided to try dying my own yarn.  I went through Walmart and bought up all the dye kits on clearance, so I had a bunch of it.  I even sent some to a friend who wanted to try dying as well.  And I've still got more, so if you want some, just let me know and I'll send it on to you.

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