Monday, April 05, 2021

Crushing Disappointment

 Looks like Stalker might not have that new job after all.  

One of coworkers said he'd told her that the guy he was supposed to be working under in the lab told him it would be another week or so before he started.  Then he told another coworker that our boss -- our production manager -- told him he needed him over in sub-brazing for another week.  According to that coworker, Stalker got mad and stayed home today.  

In actuality, both of those statements are probably lies. That's his problem, he lies so much if he told me the sky is blue, I wouldn't believe him.  So, at this point, I don't really know what is going on.  I said I didn't understand why they're taking so long.  He could have started it a month ago.   We're speculating that the folks in the lab are trying to figure out a way not to give him the job.  They don't want him back there, but we don't want him out there with us, either. 

Sigh, I knew it was too good to be true.  But my other coworker says she hopes they don't give him that job, because he doesn't deserve it.  I replied, "Yeah, but at least he'll be away from us." 

In other news, Cutie seems to be settling in a bit more.  She still yowls almost nonstop in the mornings when I'm getting ready for work, but she's calmed down quite a bit from when I first got her.  She's even more relaxed around Jesse.  She still won't let him get too close, but this afternoon, they were in the same room and she didn't fluff out her tail or bow up at him.  We take small victories where we can.  

One thing I did for her was to get that old step I'd bought for Rylea -- and she never once used-- and put it in front of my non-opening French door.  

It gives her a little elevated area she can lay on and look out the window, plus she sharpens her claws on the carpeted bits.  At least now I don't feel like I wasted $65 on that thing.  She really is a sweet cat, but poor thing isn't used to being alone so much, what with me gone to the factory 10 hours every day.  She's used to having someone around all the time.  

Finally, I have a friend at work who paints.  I don't think he's ever had an art lesson.  He said it was something he was always interested in, so a couple of years ago, he just picked up and started painting. When he posted a picture of one of them, I thought it was so gorgeous I wanted to buy it.  Turns out, he is in the process of setting up an Etsy shop, so he was able to order me a print of it. It arrived today.

I think I might put this one into Cody's room, since it matches the hunting lodge theme I'm decorating it in.  On the other hand, I love it so much, I don't want to hide it away.  

On a whim -- and to help my friend out -- I got one, as well. 

I suggested he offer posters, also, to expand his customer base.  Not everyone would be able to drop that much money on stretched canvas prints, so a poster would offer more options.  (Truth is, if we hadn't gotten that third stimulus check, I wouldn't have been able to, either, but I figure it's best to use it to help some small businesses out.)

Anyway, as soon as he sets up his Etsy shop, I'll be sure to link it here on the blog.  

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