Sunday, April 25, 2021

I Gardened!

 Just a little bit, though.  And I may not be through, either.  So, what did I do in the garden?

Well, first off, I made a little bed for my Bluebonnet seeds.  

I'd had a bit of extra edging that I'd bought a few years ago to make a stand alone bed.  I don't remember what I was going to plant in it, but it had sat unused ever since.  I'd used a couple of pieces just to mark where I'd planted my bluebonnet seeds then, just so I wouldn't accidentally weed them up.  I got the rest out of my shop, and made a slightly raised bed -- for better drainage, you know. 

This morning, I got the seeds out of the freezer and dropped them into boiling water.  Once they'd cooled, I scattered them about, poked them down into the soil, and hoped for the best.  I'll let you know how it goes.  Oh, and if you look carefully, you can just see the one little plant that re-seeded from last year's ...two that I had germinate.  

In the rest of the bed, the only thing I've planted so far is some portalucas.  

I might get some dwarf marigolds or something to put in beside them.  It would have to be something that doesn't grow very tall, as I don't want my moss rose to get overwhelmed. 

I had a bit of that fabric weed barrier stuff left over, so I put some of it down in the bare spots.  

It'll look much better once I get more mulch spread over it. That's about all I'm going to do for this year.  I might head up to Lowe's one day and see if I can get some hanging plants for my porch, but other than that, I'm done.   I wish I had time to have one of those nice, beautifully landscaped yards, but the factory kind of dominates my life right now.  I'm doing good to keep this one little bed in halfway decent shape.

Not to mention keeping up with the mowing...

Oh, and when I went to get my gardening tools out of the shed, I found a little bird's nest in my knee pad.

And look!  It's got a couple of little eggs in it!

I'm not sure what kind they are, though.  Maybe cardinal, but I'm not completely sure. I  didn't see hide nor hair --um, wing nor feather of the mother bird.  I hope I didn't scare her away for good.  

Not only that, a stray cat has had kittens in my pile of spare landscape timbers. 

I haven't seen the kittens, but I've heard them mewing.  If you know me at all, you know exactly what I did...I started feeding her.  I'm not sure who she belongs too, but she is skinny as a rail. Maybe when the kittens get old enough to be weaned, I'll call animal control.  Or maybe I'll just keep them all.  I'm way behind on becoming a crazy cat lady, after all. 

And finally, the sock knitting continues.  I've made it past the gusset decreases, and am in the home stretch now.  

Of course, I'll still need to do the second one...

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