Friday, April 03, 2020

Officially On Lockdown

As of today, the state of Mississippi is officially under a stay at home order. 

Now, first of all, let me explain, since some of my coworkers haven't seemed to figure this out.  We are not under house arrest!  Come on, people!  Stop being stupid!  I know that's a tall order for some of you, but still...

I had one coworker post that everyone had better get a gun and keep it close, because when people run out of food, they'll be breaking in and stealing yours.  Why would they do that when they could just go to the ---um, what's that thing called?---oh, yeah the grocery store and buy more?   Seriously, they are not closing down the grocery stores.  You can still go get what you need.  You can even go out to eat.  You just have to go through the drive through, or order curb-side service. 

Nor do you have to stay indoors.  In fact, the governor in his executive order encouraged people to get outside and take walks or go for drives.  You can go fishing, or walking on the trails out at the lake, or bike rides.  Just so long as you maintain your 6 foot distance. 

Anyway, the plant let everyone off for the weekend.  That's their nod to the quarantine, I guess.  We aren't shutting down, as we have been deemed an essential business.  Yesterday, they passed out these little papers we can put into our car windows, because apparently some people were worried that the cops would harass us going to and from work.

Some of them were even asking, "How are we supposed to get to work?"  Um, same way you were getting to work before.  You drive, or hitch a ride with someone, or call a taxi.

I heard the city is on a curfew as well, but since I don't live in the city, I wasn't paying too much attention to it.  Besides, it starts at 11:00 PM, I'm usually in bed long before then anyway. 

So, what did I do on my day off?  Well, I saw this and nearly cried.

We're supposed to be no touching our faces, and I get this.  My poor eyes!

Be that as it may, I had stuff to do.  First thing was to air up my driver's side rear tire.  It's had a slow leak for a while, but I've been putting off getting it repaired.  Yesterday on the way home, I got the low pressure alert again, so I had to get out the old air pump before embarking on my errands.  When I hooked it up, the tire was so low, it didn't even read on the meter. 

I debated and hemmed and hawed for a bit, because I knew Walmart had closed their auto center, but eventually decided I needed to get it done today before the quarantine went into full effect.  First thing I did was to go to the bank and pay my mortgage.  I usually go inside, but they had the lobby closed, and were directing everyone to go through the drive through.  Now, that's done, I've got all my bills I pay locally taken care of until next month.   Coming out of the bank, I was going to go on down to the dealership, after running by the post office and mailing my car note -- having missed the mail carrier this morning --  but as I turned onto the road where said post office is located, I saw Gateway Tire And Service Center right across the street. 

"I'll bet they can do it, and cheaper than the dealership, too!"  After dropping my letter into the box, i drove over there and got my tire repaired.  In and out in less than half an hour!  I have a feeling, I'll be patronizing them next time I have a tire that needs fixed.

My final stop of the day was the dreaded Walmart.  It would seem another round of panic buying has commenced.  Last week, the shelves were nearly full.  Today, they were mostly empty again.  I was able to get a gallon of milk, but there were no eggs, no ramen, very little pasta, and almost no frozen dinners.  Bummer.  Worst of all---no ice cream!  Sigh....I'm trying to tell myself I don't need it anyway, but dang! 

Still, I have enough supplies to last a couple of weeks, and I can hunker down until it's all over. 

Finally, a bit of good news to brighten up your day.  Last spring, my friend Cyndye sent me some bluebonnet seeds from the flowers in her yard.  I'd planted them last fall, but only a couple of plants came up.  I check on them almost every day. 

Today, when I got home from town, I checked on them as per usual, and found this:

Squeal!  I got a bloom!  It's small, and kind of pathetic, but it's a bluebonnet! 

It's a little piece of home...

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