Saturday, April 25, 2020

I Can't Think Of A Title

Yes, I know.  Blogging has been slow lately.  There just hasn't been much going on.

Well, besides killer tornadoes and a global pandemic, that is.

I'd bought some material to make myself a few masks, but since my sewing skills are suspect at best, I thought I'd better make some practice masks before using my good material.  This is the first one I made.

It probably would have been better if I'd used matching thread, but other than that, it didn't turn out too bad.  I forgot to trim my seams and corners before turning it right side out, so it's a little bulky around the edges.   It's got pockets to put ties in.  The designer suggest an old shoelace or bit of cord, if you don't have elastic, which is worth its weight in gold these days.  And yes, I still have to trim the thread. 

The next one I tried was this pleated mask.  I found a bit of 1" elastic that I cut in half to make the ear straps. 

I know my pleats are uneven.  That's why it's a practice mask.  I may rip them out and do them over.  What I like about this one is it is made out of a single piece of fabric, and once you get the hang of it, it goes really fast.  The person in the tutorial made an entire mask in about 2 minutes.  Mine took much longer than that.  I also like that, even though it's very simple, it has a pocket for a filter.  What I don't like about it is it feels way too big for my face.  I used 6" strips of elastic, but it still falls off.  I'll have to do some adjusting if I stick with this one.

I've got one more pattern I'm considering.  I've got a few more old work shirts I can cut up before I use my good material.  In the meantime, my friend Jennifer sent me these. 

Hmmm, maybe I should leave the masks to the professionals and stick with knitting.  Which, by the way, I have been doing.  I finished another charity hat.

This one is also Red Heart.  I can't remember the colorway.  Garnet, or Cranberry, or some such nonsense like that. 

Finally, some good news.  My little bluebonnets are hanging in there.

I just hope they seed the bed for next year.

1 comment:

Didi/Diane said...

What are your dimensions for the fabric? I like the YouTube tutorial from Missouri Star Quilting for the non-N95 style. ‘Course, I pin my elastic in before I start any sewing, I start about three inches from the left edge to start and make one pass, stopping only to adjust the elastic if necessary. Then I do my top stitching once it’s turned right side out.

To get the pleating even, I like the YouTube tutorial from Sweet Red Poppy - it’s at about the 3 minute mark ... (... I think?) - anyway, it has to do with pressing it half lengthwise and then pressing each half inward toward the middle. Then scrunch up the first pleat would it’s about half an inch or so and pin it into place, then do the next pleat, nesting it right up next to the first, and then do the same with the third.

Starting with my next mask, instead of starting at the bottom/top edge to sew my pleats in place (which can cause “thread nests, if you’re unlucky), I’m going to start right near the first pleat and backstitch over each pleat as I go. It will be faster and cause much less swearing.

I haven’t made the ones with the filter pocket or nose wire, but I need to try the nose wire type, in the hope that it might keep my glasses from fogging so badly. ‘Course, when I went to Meijer for groceries today, I didn’t even put on the one I brought.