Monday, April 06, 2020

Lungs Of Steel

Day three of the lock down, and it was back to work for me.  In other words, business as usual.  I had to laugh at my place of employment, though.  Over the weekend, they put these lines on the floor.  I guess they're to mark out a 6 ft distance -- though that was the shortest looking 6 feet I ever did see.

They put them up by the time clock and the exit.  You know, so we could keep our social distance from each other.   I nearly peed on myself laughing, though.  What good is that going to do when they got us jammed shoulder to shoulder in our work areas?  Seriously.  We're crammed together like sardines in a can.  The brazer to my left, her striker is literally ONE INCH from my table.  Not that they care about our safety, but still...

I saw a few more people wearing masks, and even a few improvised masks.  None of the brazers had masks on, though.  As I remarked to a coworker,  "Twenty plus years of breathing this crap has weeded out the weaklings."  "This crap" being toxic fumes, aerosolized oil, flux particles, etc.  Those of us who are left have lungs of steel.

Question Of The Day:  If I have food in the house, but it has to be cooked, does it even count as food?

And now for some good news, when I got home, I walked out and checked my little bluebonnets.  My second plant has two buds on it!

I know that's not the best picture, but they're there!  I'm so stoked!

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