Monday, April 27, 2020

A Good Finish To A Bad Beginning

My day didn't start off so well.  It would seem yesterday I ate something that didn't agree with me.  I don't know what it was, but it had me dashing to the bathroom all night long.  As a result, I didn't get much sleep.  When the alarm went off, I briefly considered calling in, given how bad I felt.  I didn't, though.  First of all, I didn't want to lose a day's pay and blow my perfect attendance, and secondly, I didn't want anyone thinking I have coronavirus.  Which I don't.  As far as I know.

I did feel a little feverish, but since they take our temperature before they let us into the plant, I didn't take it at home.  Turns out I wasn't feverish at all.  It was just cold -- to the tune of 48'.  Along about 8:00 AM, my stomach settled down a bit, and I was able to make it to the end of the day.  I still didn't feel great, but I toughed it out. 

Going to work was worth it in the end, because we got some wonderful, wonderful news.  And what is this wonderful, wonderful news?  We are going back to 8 hour shifts!!!!  

Yep, starting Monday, the entire plant will be on 8 hour shifts.  Day shift will work from 6-2, and second shift will work from 4-12.  That will leave a few hours between shifts for overtime, as well.  I know some people aren't happy about going back to working on Fridays, but heck, we were working most of them anyway. 

The only thing I'm a bit annoyed about is that they didn't do it at the beginning of the year, because now I'm going to have to go in and reschedule all my vacation days.  But that's a minor thing compared to being drug out all the time.  I might even have time to blog more regularly now. 

Speaking of the blog, I've been struggling a bit these last couple of weeks.  See, whenever I would write, if I got stuck or couldn't think of what to talk about, I'd imagine myself writing to Suzie.  I'd think, "What would I say if I were talking to Sue?"  I've actually got three friends I imagine myself in a conversation with, but mostly Suzie.  I've been a bit lost without her.  I never met her in person, but we had such a connection.  She was truly the sister of my heart.

Here's something only a very few people know.  Suzie needed a kidney transplant, and several years ago, I had begun the testing process to see if we were a match.  Preliminary testing revealed we were.  We matched 2 out of 6 antigens, and were about to begin the next step when she was taken off the transplant list due to other issues.  She would never get put back onto it. 

I'd never told anyone outside of our little circle and Cody.  I was going to wait until we found out for sure if I could give her a kidney before making it publicly known, but that's how special she was to me. 

When I moved into this house back in 2015, she drew me this picture.

I'd hung it in several different places, but it never seemed right.  Then yesterday, it hit me.  Suddenly, I knew where the perfect place for it is.

Right over my piano.

So now, when I'm practicing, it's almost as if she's looking down on me. 

I hope you enjoy the music, Sue. 

I'm playing it for you.

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