Thursday, November 21, 2019

Random Thoughts Of A Thursday Evening

1.  There is an old joke in Texas.  It goes something like this:  What keeps Texas from falling off into the Gulf Of Mexico?  Because Oklahoma sucks. 

2.  I was about 12 or 13 when I heard that joke for the first time.  Me, I'm such a dork, I spent way too much time trying to figure out the physics of it.

3.  Today really is Thursday.  Unlike last week, when I thought Wednesday was Thursday.

4.  My Christmas cactus is loaded with buds.  This is the one I bought last year, because I didn't have a red one.   It's going to be gorgeous when it's in full bloom. 

5.  This makes me laugh every time I see it, even though in Texas we call 'em all Cokes. 

6.  It reminds me of a Navy story.  There was a Marine.  He was kind of new to the base, there in Naples where we were stationed.  I thought he was cute, but turns out he was really weird.  Not cute and quirky weird, either.  Just weird.  Before I found out how weird he was, I invited him to come spend the day with me at my friend Sonia's apartment.  Sometime during the conversation, I asked him, "Do you want a coke?"  He said, "Yes," so naturally I asked the followup question any native born Texan would ask.  "What kind?"  He looked at me like I'd grown an extra eyeball and said, "Coke."

6 1/2.  When I picked him up at the Marine Corps barracks, he came out carrying an overcoat.  In Southern Italy.  In May.  Where it was already hitting the upper 90s.  I asked him if he was cold.  He explained that he didn't have back pockets in the pants he was wearing, and he didn't like putting his wallet in his front pocket, because it made a lump in the front of his pants.  So he lugged a giant trench coat around, so he could keep his wallet in the pocket.  In Southern Italy.  In May.  Where it was already hitting the upper 90s.

6 3/4.  He should have put his wallet in his pants pocket.  It's probably the only lump he ever has in the front of his pants. 

7.  This is my box of yarn for charity hats.  It's been sitting in a corner of my living room for --  well, far too long. 

8.  Almost as long ago, I bought a plastic bin to store it in.  As of today, bin and yarn are finally together, safely stored in the snake/craft/computer room, and the corner of my living room seems strangely bare. 

9.  Do the winds in Oklahoma blow with such strength that they produce a negative pressure suctioning Texas to the continent?

10.  You know you're a Southern Mama when you hear a kid on TV say to an adult, "Yeah," and you automatically correct him to "Yes, Sir!".  Other than that, the kids in all these Hallmark movies are way too well behaved and polite to be believable.  Just another part of the Hallmark charm, I guess.

11.  That corner won't be bare for long, though, because this time next week, it'll have a Christmas tree standing in it.  Speaking of, after checking my bank account, I've about decided to stick with the same tree for another year.  I really want a new tree, but I wasn't able to put as much into savings this year, and I still haven't done most of my Christmas shopping. 

12.  I think I might bring back my Random Thoughts On A Thursday Evening as a regular feature.  Let me know if that's something you'd want to see more often.

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