Monday, November 25, 2019

Out Of Sorts

I've been out of sorts lately.  I don't know what accounts for my recent malaise, but I just haven't felt like blogging.  I haven't felt like I've got anything to say worth saying.  Maybe it's the change of seasons.  Maybe it's the nostalgic melancholy I usually feel around the holidays -- the longing for a more innocent time, and missing friends and family no longer with us.  I don't know...but here I am.  In all my glory.

OK, onward...

A couple of weeks ago, they moved my department to its present location.  Overall, I think it's been a good move, now that I'm kind of getting used to where we are.  It's a lot quieter there, and it's right by the bathroom.  Over said bathroom is the upstairs production office.  For years, I've said to myself, "Self, you need to come in a little early and walk those stairs a few times -- for exercise, you know."  But I haven't ever done it, until now.  There are a couple of us who have started walking the stairs in the mornings before the shift starts.  I don't know if I've lost any weight, but I've sure gained more energy.  I don't feel nearly as run down as I have been.

Today, tubing and the sub-brazers had our annual potluck dinner for Thanksgiving.  This morning, as I was walking the stairs, one of my coworkers said, "You might as well wait until after lunch!"  I laughed and replied, "I might as well wait until after Christmas!"  You know as well as I do, all I'm going to do over Christmas break is sit and eat.  Oh, I say I'm going to go out and walk, but it won't happen.  I'll start over when we get back in January. 

Speaking of sitting, yesterday while watching cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies, I whipped out this headband for my friend Kristine's blessing bag project.

The pattern is Calorimetry, from the Knitty website. I still have to sew the button on, and weave in the ends.  I think I'll make some more of these, and maybe some other styles of headbands as well.  The nuns my friend took her bags to last year minister to prostitutes as well as homeless people -- you know, trying to get them off the streets and into a better life, and such. Plus, there are homeless women.  Some estimates are that nearly 25% of homeless people are women. 

All that said, if they have a ponytail, or some other type of hairstyle where they wouldn't want to wear a hat, they can still keep their ears reasonably warm.  I made the one above out of Red Heart, in the Viva colorway.  It's some of the yarn my friend Peggy sent me. I was thinking since it was a headband, it would use less yarn, but it doesn't.  It uses almost as much as a full on hat.  But still...

There was something else I wanted to tell you, but right now I can't remember what it was.  I'll come to me as soon as I hit publish.  But for now, I'm just going to get off here and go to bed.

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