Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Whiskers On Wednesday

I’m sure you will all be pleased to know I slept much better last night— if only because you don’t have to listen to me whine about being sleepy.

But I’m still sleepy.

I guess it's just all part of getting old. 

We had a bit of exciting news in that an earthquake hit West Texas.  The news report said it could be felt in El Paso, but my brother who lives there said he didn't.  That would have been so cool if he had.  On the other hand, I live very close to the New Madrid Faultline, so I'd be more likely to get hit by a major earthquake than he would anyway. 

Other than that, today has been just another dull Wednesday, so here is a Whiskers On Wednesday. Lookit!  The cat is in the cat bed I bought her!

She doesn't get into it much, so it's kind of a big deal.  

In knitting news, progress is being made on the sock, albeit slowly. 

Just a couple more inches and I'll be ready to start the heel flaps.  One of my knitting friends suggested that the heels not being deep enough could be why my socks suddenly started falling down, but I'm not sure about that.  I haven't changed how I knit them.  Still 36 rows, and I pick up 18 gusset stitches.  

What I think happened is that I normally cast on with a size 3 needle, then switch to a smaller one to do the actual knitting.  Perhaps I forgot to switch needles, and just started knitting the whole sock on size 3, then just assumed that's how I knit them.  I don't know.    

I just know I paid too much for this high dollar sock yarn to be knitting socks I can't wear.  

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