Friday, November 18, 2022


I have successfully completed all my Thanksgiving shopping!  

I'd done most of it last week, but I wanted to wait until closer to Thanksgiving to get the fresh stuff -- you know, like the celery and strawberries.  I had a moment of panic when I couldn't find any fresh cranberries after I'd told Cody and Brennan I'd make fresh sauce, but I went to another grocery store in town and they had some.  

The bad news is, they didn't have the good recipe on the back, just the simple one with cranberries, water, and sugar.  The one I've been using calls for cloves and apple juice.  I'm trying to find it online, but so far, no luck.  All the ones I see call for orange juice instead.  I just remember it had apple juice and cloves, but I can't remember what else. I'll keep looking.  I've got a few days left. 

But if anyone has any fresh cranberries, and you happen to look on the back of the bag and the recipe calls for apple juice and cloves....please do me a solid and send me the recipe.   I'll be sure and write it down this time. 

The shopping successfully completed, I came home and put on some cheesy Christmas movies and began working on getting my cards ready to send.  

All I did today was get them signed and addressed, but as usual, I put out a call on Facebook for anyone who wants one to just let me know. I had a few people take me up on it, and if you're reading this and want a Christmas card, the same goes for you.  The caveat is, if I'm going to send you a card, I need your address.  

Anyway, between the ones I already send cards to, and the new requests, I did something I've never done before.  I ran out of cards!  

Naturally, I did what any red blooded American would do.  I got on Amazon and ordered more. They should arrive Monday, which will still give me plenty of time to get them addressed and in the mail by Wednesday.  Or Friday.  

I still have to get the envelopes decorated, but that's the fun part.  I should whiz through that in no time. 

While watching Football.  Tomorrow.

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