Monday, March 01, 2021

What Was I Thinking On Day Eight

 What if they held a hiring event and nobody came?

The plant was supposed to hold a hiring event last week, and I wonder if anyone even showed up.  They sure haven't brought any new employees through lately.  I was asking another coworker if she'd seen any, and she said she hadn't, either.  Maybe nobody came. I'm not sure if they're still getting the extra unemployment from the COVID relief, but that could be why.  Temps only make $8 per hour, so they'd make more money sitting at home collecting unemployment.   In the meantime:  

Me:  Man, these long hours are killing me!  I'm so tired!

Also me:  Sure, I'll start coming in at 5:00.  

Yep, I am back on 10 hour shifts starting tomorrow.  This is making me seriously re-think my decision to sign up for a few Sundays, though.  When it was 9 hour shifts I was on, sure, but these 10 hour shifts really take it out of you.  Sometimes, I wonder what I was thinking when I said I'd come in.  Then I remember, I'm broke and need the money.  

Oh, and by the way, The Boss Who Must Not Be Named came in Saturday and cleaned out his upstairs office, and moved back up into the front office.  He's no longer our Boss...Who Must Not Be Named.  Now, he's just another front office guy.  Other Boss is now our Boss.  I guess that makes him just Boss, now.  

All righty, then.  Moving right along...

As most of you know, I'm an avid knitter.  And as such, I have multiple projects going on at the same time.  In the past, I've had as many as --well, a bunch.  Not so much any more.  In addition to my two sock yarn blankets, 

I've got a scarf, 

a pair of socks, 

another pair of socks, 

and another scarf I'm working on. 

Note:  these are just my active projects.  I've got a few more packed away that I'm not working on at the moment.  Maybe someday, I'll get back to them, but for now, they're marinating.  

So, what did I do yesterday when I was in my craft room?  I pulled this one out of the closet and said, "This needs to be a scarf."  

What was I thinking?  

I'll let you know how it goes. 

One more thing before I leave you with your Texas history moment.  I gave up on getting used to my My Pillow.  They say its supposed to never go flat.  Well, I must have been doing something wrong, because mine would be -- as we used to say in Texas -- "flatter'n a flitter" within moments.  Literally.  It would be like I didn't have a pillow at all.  I'd have to wake up two or three times a night, just to fluff it back up.  

Finally, last night, I dug my old, cheap Walmart pillow back out of the closet and slept all night for the first time since I bought that really expensive pillow.  

Eh, maybe Cody will like it.  

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