Monday, March 08, 2021

Hugs Are Stupid

 I know you've seen them...those memes all over Facebook.  The ones that say, "I just need someone to hug me..."  

Not me.  I think hugs are stupid. Hugs are useless.  

Hugs are a way for you to show me you care without actually putting any effort into showing me you care.  Hugging me may make you feel magnanimous, but they don't do a thing for me.  They don't accomplish anything.  If you really want to show me you care, there are lots of better ways to do it. 

Cut my grass

Air up my tires

Take the car in for an oil change

Fix my washing machine

And the wonky drawer in the kitchen

Do the little things 

The little things to lift some of the burden off of me

Take the trash out

Let the dog out.  And in.  And out.  And in.  And out... and so on

Wash a dish or two

Sweep the floor

Cut the privet out of my back fence

And the dead spots out of my roses

Fix the hole in the laundry room wall

And my plumbing.

Replace the broken windows in my house

Build me a mantle

Split some firewood

Deal with these contractors so they won't rip me off because I'm "just a dumb female who won't know any better."

There are a million little things you can do to show me you care.

Just don't give me a hug.

Hugs are stupid.   

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