Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Well, Poop!

 All day yesterday, I was so excited.  I was looking forward to coming home after work and starting my weight loss program.  At long last, the interminable work day ended, and home I rushed.  I booted up my computer and logged into the website...and there it was at the bottom:  "Your program starts March 15th"

Well, poop!  

I knew that.  I don't know why I thought it started this week, but it looks like I'm going to have to wait until next Monday.  Oh, well, it'll give me a chance to eat up the last of the Christmas cookies I'd taken out of the freezer.

Speaking of, at my last dentist appointment back in August, Dr. Moody told me I had a tooth that was "ditching out."  It was one I'd had a crown on since I was 19, and though I'm not completely sure what ditching out is, the long and the short of it is, he said I'd eventually lose the tooth and there was nothing at this point we could do to stop it.  

Eventually happened Sunday.  But what does that have to do with Christmas cookies?  This:  I was eating one when the tooth finally came loose.  Honestly, I think I would have lost it sooner if the dentist hadn't put a post into the root when I had it root canalled and the crown replaced back in 2007.  Ish. I suppose I'll have to call the dentist and get my partial updated.  Right now, I'm thinking I'll wait until the pandemic is over.  I mean, it's not like I can do any more damage, right?  

I probably ought to get him to remove the root, too, but I keep holding out hope that one day I can afford to get implants.  Sigh...why couldn't I have been born rich instead of lovable?

All righty, then...

I'll tell you one thing I need to get better at, and that is keeping up with household chores during the work week.  Stuff like washing dishes, doing laundry, sweeping.  That sort of thing.  When you're working 10 hour shifts, it's so easy to come home and say, "I'm going to sit down for just a minute, then get up and do..." whatever it is I need to be doing.  But before you know it, it's bedtime, and I haven't done anything.  So, stuff gets put off.  I need to stop that, so that my day of rest can actually be a day of rest.  Instead of catching up on housework, I can watch movies and knit.

While we're on the subject of knitting, I finally cast on that ball of yarn I'd pulled out of the closet last week.  

I don't know why, but for some reason, I'd decided I needed to knit an entrelac scarf out of it.  I got this far, and realized it just wasn't going to happen. 

Asking myself, "What was I thinking?"  I started ripping it all out.  You know, I didn't think acrylic yarn would felt, but this stuff did.  OK, it wasn't true felting, just a bit of pilling, but it grabbed that yarn and would not let it go.  Alas, it didn't take long until the yarn broke.  

 Frustrated, I just threw the whole thing in the trash and went to bed.  

After a somewhat mediocre night's sleep, I thought better of it, and pulled the knotted up yarn out of the trash basket --  it's mostly candy wrappers and yarn scraps in that one -- and got back to work on it.  With a little time, a little perseverance, and more than a few unwholesome words for which I had to repent, I got it all untangled and wrapped into a little ball. 

It was at this point I copped out and cast on my old standard Yarn Harlot's One Row Scarf.

One of these days, I'm going to find a new scarf pattern.  

Today is not that day.  


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