Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Batten Down The Hatches

 When every single meteorologist in your news feed is warning you of this, you might ought to pay attention. 

Or as my old dad would say, "Batten down the hatches, she's a gonna blow!"  

Yes, I am smack dab in the middle of that red area.  I have my plan in place, and my weather radio programmed....I hope.  I've never quite figured out if I have my county in there right.  I don't know how to check, and I don't know how to re-set it.  I guess we'll find out. 

I'll be checking in regularly, just so's you all know I'm safe.

Well, today was the first day of my weight loss program.  I've finished watching all the videos for the week, and the basic principles seem to be very similar to the old Weigh Down Workshop program, but this one seems to be more complete.  At least as far as I can tell.  

I'm going to have to figure out how to adapt this program to my work schedule.  One thing already is throwing me.  They said most people eat breakfast out of habit, not hunger.  So, you shouldn't eat as soon as you wake up.  You should wait until you're truly hungry -- or what they call level three*.  

I can't do that.  I can't just walk away from my brazing stand and go sit in the break room for 25 minutes, leisurely eating a full breakfast.  If I don't eat before I leave the house, I don't eat until lunch time.  That's a long time to go-- from 5 AM until 11 AM without eating.  I mean, I can carry a granola bar or something, but that's not a meal, not like what they're talking about.

Then there is lunch...in the Naturally Slim program, I'm not supposed to eat until I'm at level 3 hunger.  The downside is, if I'm not at level 3 when lunch time comes, and I don't eat then, I don't eat until I get home.  It's the same as with breakfast.  I can't just go to the break room and eat when I get hungry.  I eat when the company says I eat, or I don't eat.  

Again, I can snack, but that's not a meal. 

One more thing, they want you to slow down and take your time to eat.  A meal should last at least 25 minutes.  Kind of hard to do when your lunch break is only 18 minutes long. 

It's going to take a lot of figuring out, but for now, I've got storm prep to do.  

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