Monday, March 15, 2021


 I have a Kindle app on my phone.  

I usually like to read during my lunch break at work, on the Kindle app on my phone.  This week, I'm reading Johnny Tremain...on my Kindle app on my phone.  So, there I was reading away, Johnny Tremian on my Kindle app on my phone when I heard a call over the loudspeaker. 

"If anyone has lost a cell phone, it's in the [temporary staffing agency] office. "

I quickly reached back and checked to see if my phone was in the pocket of my jeans I normally keep it in, and felt a brief moment of panic when I discovered it wasn't there...all the while never missing a word of the book I'm reading, Johnny Tremain, on my Kindle app...on my phone...

I don't want to talk about it. 

After much deliberation, I finally decided on a pattern for the sock I'm knitting.  The problem I'd had was the yarn is self striping, and the colors are pretty bold.  I was afraid any pattern would get lost in the bright colors.  I can't wear plain stockinette socks, because of my absurdly skinny ankles.  They don't stay up.  I almost settled for doing 2 x 2 ribbing all the way down, but wasn't too thrilled with that option, either.  One evening, I was looking through one of the books my friend sent me last week, and that's when I saw it.  It's so simple, I wonder I didn't think of it before. 

A garter rib.  

It's plain enough that it doesn't get obscured by the colors of the yarn, but interesting enough that it isn't....plain.  I'm actually almost excited about this one. 

I'm also excited about what I saw coming up in my front flower bed:

If it is what I'm hoping it is...

What I'm not too excited about is my weight loss program.  I was hoping it would be different, but after watching the first few videos, I'm not so sure.  Now, I've only just begun, and haven't even finished the first week's lessons, but what I'm getting breakfast, nothing but water to drink, and only two meals per day.  Yeah, no wonder you lose weight.  You're starving all the time!

I'm going to try to stick with it a little longer, but I don't see it ending well.  Eh, maybe it'll get better as I go along.  

But I doubt it.  

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