Friday, March 21, 2025

World Down Syndrome Day

For those of you who may not know, today is World Down Syndrome Day.  I have a coworker whose son has Down Syndrome, so every few years, her daughter -- who has a t-shirt business-- designs a new shirt for the occasion.    

Earlier this year my coworker and I were talking about getting new shirts, because it's been a minute, and I told her we want to have her son's name on the shirt to let everyone know who we're supporting.  Team Kel, that's what we want to be.  Unfortunately, she had something going on, and they didn't get the new shirts made.  I said, "It's OK.  We'll just wear the shirts we already have."  

When I got to work this morning, I told her, "I was going to make an announcement yesterday asking people to wear their shirts if they had one, but I got over there and started reading the post about the new PPE rules, and got so mad I completely forgot."

Yep, the new rules are pretty strict.  So much so, even the safety guy says they're over-reacting.  He said, "We want people to be safe, but you've got to have some common sense."  My thing is, if it's a safety issue, why did it take three decades for it to become such?  Wouldn't it have been a safety issue way back in 1992?  

The new rules go into effect Monday, and I'm hearing a lot of people are saying they're not coming back -- as in quitting.  I know when they took our insulated mugs away, about 40 people left the meeting and walked straight out the door.  I heard there were just as many who walked out on second shift.  

Seriously, I've never seen a company who works so hard at making their employees' hate their jobs.  It's getting unbearable, so much so, I was telling a coworker I might not make it to 65.  Walmart starts their employees at $17.50 per hour, so she might come into town one day and see me standing there saying, "Welcome to Walmart."  

Speaking of Walmart, I went after work and while I was there, I went into the garden center to see what they have in the way of live plants. The ones they had didn't look too sporty, so I didn't buy any.  I think the frost might have touched them.  I almost bought a packet of wildflower seeds to try to start in my little greenhouse, but I passed on that, too.  I'm still holding out hope -- probably in vain -- that more of my little bluebonnet seeds will germinate.  Right now, I've got two that have survived this far -- out of only five that germinated. 

 And one of my Bachelor's Button seeds is growing so far. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  It's getting pretty discouraging that I plant and plant, and nothing ever grows.  

Supervisor Green Jeans stopped by my stand this afternoon and showed me his tomato seeds he'd started.  He's got a ton of them, and I can't even get wildflowers to grow.  I'm going to give these another week, and if nothing else grows, I'll plant something else.  

You know what they say about the definition of insanity.  I'm pretty sure I've crossed that line. 

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