Monday, March 17, 2025

Catch Up Day

Sunday was a bit of a catch - up day for me, what with the tornadoes and all on Saturday.  And there were a lot of them.  One of the meteorologists I follow posted this graphic, showing the tornado warnings for Saturday. 

Then one of the storm chasers said there were 248 tornado warnings for Friday and Saturday, and that's not including the ones from Sunday.  

Now, keep in mind, just because there was a warning issued doesn't mean there was an actual tornado on the ground.  It just means radar indicated possible rotation developing.  They're still doing damage surveys, so we don't know exactly how many tornadoes there were.  Ryan Hall said at least 56 over the three day period.  He also posted this graphic of all the watches and warnings issued.

I'm not sure what all of the colors mean, though.  The red ones are tornado warnings, and I'm pretty sure all of the yellow ones were watches of various kinds.  I think the green is flash flood, but I don't know what the purple is.  Maybe costal flooding.  I don't know.  I wish he'd have posted a key, but oh well.  Even so, that's a lot of weather that happened.  

And as if all of that weren't enough, look what we have here...

That's a tropical disturbance, but it has very low chances of developing at the moment.  Even if it does, likely the water would be too cold for it to survive long.  

All that to say, I spent Sunday doing the chores I normally do on Saturday -- mostly laundry, because I was afraid to start a load until the storms had passed.  It's a good thing I did because the electricity did go out, and by the time it came back on, I felt it was too late to start any.  So I put it off until Sunday.  Not that you are that interested in my here's a little more interesting thing.  

I cast on a new charity hat with the yarn I got out of the free stuff they were giving away up in Oxford at the fiber arts festival. 

After knitting so many from sock yarn, it's almost a relief at how quickly worsted weight knits up. 

Really, the only other thing I did was to get my hummingbird feeders washed, filled, and hung up outside.  I put one in the usual spot in the front yard.  

And I hung a second one in the back yard, near my other bird feeder. 

Just look at that beautiful blue sky in the background, being all sunny and cheerful like it didn't just try to kill us all the day before. It was still gorgeous when I got home from work today, so I sat in my chair outside for a little while.

On an impulse, I grabbed my bucked of daffodil bulbs and planted a few more.  I've still got a lot to go, but we're getting there.  I grumble and grouse about how I'm going to be sore, and blah blah blah...

then I see this, 

and suddenly it's all worth it. 

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