Thursday, March 20, 2025

First Day Of Spring

Happy first day of astronomical spring to those of you who celebrate it.  Me, I celebrate meteorological spring, because meteorology is better.  

Since we can't be normal in this country, on this the first day of spring, we are expecting a freeze tonight. I took a moment to bring in the few plants I had outside, though most of them were still in the house from last week's severe weather outbreak.  I left Marty Mac outside, but found a bit of leftover visqueen and covered him up.  

Venus Fly Traps can handle a frost, but it can damage newly forming leaves, so it's best to protect them.  

By the way, my French Tarragon is coming out, as is my peppermint, but so far, nothing else.  My sage and rosemary seem dot be doing fine, too, but no sign of life in the pepper plants.  They are perennials in their native habitats, but this may be too far north for them.  

While we're on the subject of weather,  check out how many air to ground lightning strikes were recorded from last weekend. 

You can't even see Mississippi through all of that.  On a similar note, The National Weather Service has confirmed that 18 tornadoes touched down on March 14 and 15 in Mississippi, including one EF-4, one EF-3, seven EF-2, seven EF-1, and two EF-0 tornadoes.

The one that hit Elliot was rated an EF-2.  The EF-4 and EF-3 both hit Taylortown.  Yes, both of them.  Their tracks are just a few miles apart.  Then there was the earthquake, which really isn't that much of a surprise given how close we are the the New Madrid Faultline.  Mississippi experiences more earthquakes than you might think.  

That's about all I have to talk about today.  There is a lot going on at work, but I don't really want to talk about it, because there is an ill wind blowing through the plant.  Whispers in the dark...

It's almost like they're looking for reasons to fire people.  The latest is that now we have to wear our gloves and arm guards at all times -- even to the bathroom and our lunch breaks.  Not only that, they're taking up all of the floor fans, because they say we don't need them -- not even when it hits 95 out there.  

If you ask me, the biggest problem out there is that there are too many bosses -- and too many people who aren't bosses, but want to be bosses, so they come out and try to boss people they've got no business bossing.  My stalker for example.  

Even when he was the brazing trainer, he seemed to think he was some sort of supervisor.  He even referred to himself as a supervisor.  Sometimes when we'd come in early, he'd come in too, claiming that he was there to make sure we were actually working and not just coming in and standing around. 

He's got a new job, by the way.   Nobody really knows what he's supposed to be doing, but he loves those kinds of jobs where he gets paid a lot of money to basically do nothing because he's lazy.  Back when he got demoted from being the brazing trainer, they put him over there with us sub-brazing.  He probably didn't do but about 50 headers per day.  We're supposed to do 200+.  I was constantly having to pull off of my work to bail him out because he'd get so far behind.

Then he got that job in the prototype shop, and they really didn't want him back there, either.  The job was supposed to go to the other applicant, but his supervisor refused to release him from his job on the assembly line.  So, they had to give it to Stalker, even though they didn't want to.   Word on the shop floor is that they wanted to get rid of him, and somehow, instead of getting fired, he got a promotion.

The buddy system protected him once again, the same way it did back when all of those women were bringing sexual harassment charges against him.   And there were a lot of them.  I know we joke about him being my stalker, but he's harassed a lot of women.  I've heard absolute horror stories from when he'd get women alone in that training center -- from asking explicitly detailed questions about how they like to have sex, all the way to threatening not to pass them if they didn't give him a little something first.  

Probably the most common complaint was that he'd lay right up on their backs as they were brazing, and I believe that because he did it to me.  Once. 

I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not in my enthusiasm to do my job well... accidentally elbowed him in the gut a couple of times.  

Accidentally, of course.  I would never do that on purpose.  But he learned to back his butt up. 

As I said before, he was turned in and multiple women came forward, but as I also said, he's protected by the buddy system, though I can't imagine why.  The only one who lost a job during that whole situation was the HR director who wanted to fire Stalker.  

Well, I did not mean to get off onto that tangent.  I'd intended to talk about something completely different, but that will have to wait, as I still need to practice my piano.  And I really need to do a piano related post anyway.  I'm thinking about doing a vlog.  

Maybe I will.  You never know. 

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