Sunday, March 02, 2025

Hats And Independence

Sundays can be a difficult day for me, because I was raised that Sunday is the Lord's Day and we don't work on the Lord's Day.  So I try to rest, as he commanded us to do, but I can't relax when there is so much I need to be doing.  Like, I've got so many phone calls to make -- which is difficult enough for an introvert such as myself, and I don't feel right disturbing other people on the weekends, since I don't like being disturbed on the weekends myself. 

What calls do I need to make?  

I need to call a contractor.
I need to call a landscaper.
I need to call a surveyor.
I need to call a tree guy.
I need to call a chimney sweep.
I need to call an eye doctor.

I usually end up just calling the whole thing off.   Then it eats at me that I still need to get all of this stuff done, and sometimes I wish I had someone to take care of me, but then I remember that every single man I've ever had a relationship with has tried to change who I am and it just isn't worth it. 

Therein lies the rub.  Contractors, plumbers, etc...they all treat single women like we're too dumb to realize when we're getting ripped off, so they do it with impunity.  At least the ones around here do.  That's one of the things I need to get done.  The guy I hired a few years ago to paint my house was supposed to replace all the rotten wood he found, but he didn't.  He just smeared a layer of wood putty over those boards, then painted that.  

It bought me a little time, but now it's getting to the point where I can't put it off any more, so I need to call a contractor to fix that.  Only I don't trust anyone any more.   Then there is the fact that so many of them have made me feel like I'm bothering or inconveniencing them by trying to hire them.  And there is the one who got mad and quit when I told him I wasn't allowed to have a phone at work, so I wouldn't be able to answer when he called, but if he left a message I'd get back to him as soon as I could...

Plus the whole introvert/phone call conundrum.  And the fact that I just can't seem to get my act together.  I need a personal organizer, but I can't even get my act together enough to ask if there are any in the area who could help me out. 

So I procrastinate...and knit.  Look!  I finished a hat!

This is only the second charity hat I've finished this year.  I need to get on the ball, or I won't even have enough to be worth mailing off in the fall.  The reason for that is all of these Sockhead hats I've been working on.  

I've been switching back and forth between these two, and am slowly making progress on both.  

And finally, today is Texas Independence Day, so happy day my fellow Texans!

To honor the day, I went and found this candle my older brother's family gave me for Christmas back in 2019.  

 I'd only lit it once, because I wanted to save it.  Because Texas.  But, it doesn't do anybody any good sitting back in a cabinet, so it's happily burning in my living room even as I type this. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I found a video on YouTube about the Easter Outbreak of 2020.  That's the one that knocked my power out for 4 days.  Imma head on over there and watch it. 

By the way, we're expecting severe weather on Tuesday.  

Welcome to springtime in the South.  

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