Saturday, March 01, 2025


As my Old Dad would say, "spring is busting out all over."  Which was actually from a song, I think.  Hang on, let me research...

Yep, it was originally June Is Busting Out All Over, from the musical Carousel.  

Be that as it may, spring is busting out all over, fitting that today is the first day of Meteorological Spring.  Yesterday, on the way home from work, I saw someone plowing up the corn fields on the back side of Riverdale Road, and all the newborn calves in the pastures.  The jonquils are all over the place, and look at this:  

I've got daffodils in my yard!  It's been so warm, I put all of my plants back outside for some fresh air.  I'll have to bring them back in this evening, because we'll be flirting with frost tonight, but I think I might leave Marty Mac out in his little cage. 

Venus Fly Traps can handle a frost or two, so he's out for good unless we are expecting a hard freeze -- which I don't expect this late in the year.  But you never know.  

That being said, it was a bit chilly when I got up this morning, but after sunrise, it warmed up and became one of those Robert Spaulding's Wife days.  I took full advantage of it and put a little fire into the fire pit, then sat outside and started a letter on my new stationery. 

Not to my Australian pen pal.  No, this one is for a friend who's been having a rough time of it lately.  I thought a letter might brighten her day.  I hope...

I had to move my chair to the other side of the pit, because the wind was blowing the smoke right into my face.  In fact, the wind picked up so much I let the fire die down because I was worried about it blowing sparks or something -- even before the EMA sent out the notice that open burning is discouraged.  

Not before I'd roasted a weenie and made myself a hot dog, but with a slice of bread instead of a hot dog bun.  Because I didn't have any hot dog buns, and didn't want to go buy any.  I kind of prefer them on regular bread anyway.  I definitely prefer hamburgers on regular bread.  

Then I roasted a marshmallow.  I had planned on buying some of those sugar free, high dollar marshmallows, but they were out of them.  They had the burnt caramel flavor, but I didn't want those, so I settled for the stuffed ones and a lot of jogging in place afterwards. 

By the way, those stuffed marshmallows don't work as well as they say because the chocolate doesn't melt.  I supposed if you like yours blackened it would, but I don't.  I like my marshmallows a nice, toasty brown.  

After the fire died down, I moved to the other chair so I could watch the birds at the feeder. 

It's times like this I really wish I still had a SLR with a zoom lens, because there are a bunch of birds in that photo, but they're really hard to see.  Today's tally was cardinal, Towhee, sparrow, Junco, collared dove, and brown headed cowbird. 

Alas, it wasn't long before the wind became so strong it wasn't comfortable to stay outside, so I came in and watched some TV -- in the midst of my normal Saturday chores, that is.  I know I'd said I was going to paint the fence, but I felt the wind was just too strong to be using a paint sprayer, and I wasn't up to doing it with a brush, so it didn't get done.  

By the way, I started watching that new House Of David series on Prime.  Eh, it's OK and I'm enjoying watching it, but it's a bit too melodramatic to my taste.  Especially the background music.  You'd think you were at a funeral the whole time.  

Also by the way, the downside of leaving your French doors open on a windy day is that you get a house full of leaves. 

Pretty much the only other thing I got accomplished today was to finally get my bluebonnet seeds started, which involved dragging that old sewing machine out and setting it up.  

I've got to find a better option than that... on the other hand, I don't really expect the snakes to live much longer given how ancient they are.  Let's put it this way, in human years, Elon Musk would be cutting off their social security checks. 

Once they go to that great herpetarium in the sky, I can set my little seed starter up in a corner of that room.  Anyway, I got one pack of bluebonnet seeds started and a few of the Bachelor's Button seeds I saved from last year. 

Speaking of, I bumped into Supervisor Greenjeans yesterday and asked him what he does with all the stuff he plants.  He said he sells some and cans some...I asked him if he sells in the Farmer's Market on the square, and he said, "There's a Farmer's Market?"  

He didn't even know there's a Farmer's Market here.  He does now.  

While we're on the subject of work, there's been lots of drama going on out at the plant.  Some of it I can't talk about, but some of it I can.  Not in this post, though.  It's already long enough. 

And finally, if you didn't see Thursday's post, you might want to go back and read it.  For some reason, neither FB nor Threads published a thumbnail, so it just looked like a link.  I hope this one acts right. 

I guess we'll see. 

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