Saturday, March 22, 2025


I've been looking forward to this day all week.  

Saturday afternoon.  Nothing to do.  No clocks to watch.  


Even Sunday can't compare, because I have to watch the clock...and wait to go back to work.  Dread going back to work...

But's all mine. 

It was such a beautiful day, even though we are expecting storms tomorrow, they aren't expected to be anything like last week's storms, so I went ahead and got the fire pit and other chair out of the shed and set them out in the back yard. 

I had a hard time finding a weed-free space big enough to put them in, so in the end, I had to sacrifice a patch of purple deadnettle, which I felt would be the best option because I have so much of it in the rest of the yard. 

I'm thinking later on, I might even start a little fire in the fire pit.  After it cools off a bit, of course.  It's too warm right now. 

I even tried to sit outside to write this blog post, but the sun is so bright I couldn't even see my computer screen, so I'm back inside for a bit.  By the way, I turned my Netflix account back on just to watch the documentary on the Joplin, MO tornado of 2011.  I had been so long since I turned it off that I had to create a whole new account.  I don't know how long I'll leave it on, but it will be long enough to finish watching The Crown.  I'd only see the first two seasons before I cut it off, so I'll probably just go back and start over. 

Same with Stranger Things.  I watched the first two seasons, then cut my Netflix off.  Of course, if we keep getting all of this overtime, I might just leave it on for a while.  

Since it was such a beautiful, sunny day, I put my seed tray with my three pitiful little seedlings out into the sunshine for about half an hour to start hardening them off.   

 I'm going to give the others one more week, then if nothing happens, I'll move the three that are growing to bigger pots, then knock all of this dirt out and start over.  I've ordered some hydroponic sponges from Amazon, and I'm going to try those to see if I get a better germination rate from them. 

I don't know what I'm going to plant, but it'll be something.  Maybe I'll follow Supervisor Green Jeans' lead and plant some tomatoes.  

Not 318 of them, but some.  

Now, if you'll be so kind as to excuse me, I've got some sitting to do. 



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