It looks like our days of getting off at 1:00 have come to an end. Boo! I was enjoying getting off early. On the other hand, overtime.
Another downside is, these last couple of days have been absolutely gorgeous and I'm stuck inside a hot, muggy, filthy plant instead of outside in it. Yesterday, I had to run into town to pay a bill and the lady in line in front of me said, "It's such a beautiful day after what came though last night!"
"Oooo, yes!" I agreed. "That was something. I was already asleep and like to have come out the bed!"
We were talking about the thunderstorms that rolled through late Sunday night, and let me tell you, that thunder was loud! It kind of reminded me of when that building on the square exploded last year. They still haven't gotten that all cleaned up, by the way.
But yeah, I didn't last long, but it was pretty noisy while it was passing over. Someone even posted photos in one of the local weather watcher groups of graupel that fell at her house. It always amazes me how skies that were so full of death and destruction can be so stunningly beautiful the next day.
They were so beautiful, when I got home, I went and sat outside instead of writing you a blog post. That's why you didn't get one. All I was going to do was complain about daylight saving time and show you my new DVD.
The Chosen season 4 special edition set, to go with the first three. This is one series I'm definitely going to have in hard copy.
And as for Daylight Saving Time, I'm not a fan. Every year there is talk about making it permanent, but most people these days are too young to remember that we did that once before, back in the 70s. Everyone thought it was the greatest thing -- those 9:00 PM sunsets. More time for the rich and retired to sit on the beach and sip Margaritas and all.
But then, Fall came. The days shortened -- as they always do. I guess they don't teach the seasons in schools any more... Eventually, the sun was setting at 5:30 anyway, and even worse, in some parts of the Lower 48, wasn't rising until 10:00. I mean, I guess that's OK if you're a Tik Tok influencer and sleep until noon anyway, but people having to put their kids out on the side of the road to wait for the school bus in the pitch darkness weren't so keen on it. Once people realized what they'd done to themselves, they raised such a hue and cry that they changed it back.
Don't get me wrong. I'll all for doing away with changing the time twice a year, but leave it on standard time.
Today was just as gorgeous, but I didn't sit in the chair. Instead, I grabbed my bucket of daffodil bulbs and put a few more into the ground. I've still got a bunch to go, but I'm making progress. By the way, the purple deadnettle is in full bloom, and there are bees everywhere.
That's why I never mow until the deadnettle dies back. It's as important to the bees as clover is -- if not more. And hopefully, I won't have any trespassing neighbors mow it all down this year.
So, a few more beautiful days and we have more severe weather on the horizon for this coming weekend. Welcome to springtime in the south...
Now, I need to go practice my piano a bit before going to bed. I don't know what set the cat off last night, but she was restless and yowling all night long. Needless to say, neither one of us slept well.
I'm hoping tonight will be a better night.
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