Thursday, February 15, 2024

My Supervisor

I think I might have embarrassed my new supervisor this morning, though I didn't mean to.  See, what had happened was, yesterday I'd put in a vacation day.  Today when I got there, I went to the box and checked, and it had already been approved. 

If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you know how big of a deal this is.  It's so nice to know that our vacation requests will be dealt with in a timely manner without having to nag and pester and worry and badger the supervisor, not to mention dealing with his attitude -  remember him throwing up his hands and saying, "More vacation days?"-- and knowing they still won't be approved until the last minute, if -- and that's a big if-- the day hadn't already filled up.  Oh, and I almost forgot having to justify to him why we wanted the day off in the first place, and if he didn't feel we had a good enough reason, he wouldn't approve it.  

That's why he got turned in to HR in the first place. 

As soon as I saw him, I called Supervisor over and said, "I just want you to know how much we appreciate you approving our vacation requests so quickly."  He kind of did the aww shucks thing, but seriously,  I wanted him to know how much it means to us after the absolute hell we've had to go through for the last year and a half.  

On a similar note, it seems the Demi-god of Brazing is figuring out things in sub-brazing might not be quite so easy as he thought it'd be.  They've already made him start filling out the paper work, which he didn't like.  He kind of rolled his eyes and said, "Y'all are still doing that?"  Yep, and you have to as well. 

But the biggie is that he's having to go by the schedule instead of picking and choosing the big orders of easy work.  When he came up there yesterday, he was walking up and down the line -- meaning the conveyor where the parts stagers put our orders together and get them ready for us to braze -- looking for an order he wanted to do.  The parts stager saw him doing that, and told him how she lines the orders up and how we know which orders come next, etc., etc.  

Well, I guess he thought those rules don't apply to him, because today we caught him once again picking and choosing which orders he wanted to do.  After he'd skipped an order and picked an easier one, one of the brazers stopped him and told him the order he'd skipped needs to be done next.  He told her he could do anything, but she made him put back the order he'd gotten and get the one that comes next according to the schedule.  He was not happy about that.  But he did it.   That's going to be a big adjustment for him, because he's used to getting his way all the time, because "Don't you know who my daddy is?"

He still isn't using the purge gas, though, which is another bone of contention with us.  As much as that quality guy bullied is over that gas, for him to stand there and watch Demi-god not using it and not say a word about it...let's just say, nobody is happy about that, especially the brazer quality guy picked on so much -- to the point of getting into her face and screaming at her to use that gas.  BTW, I told her if she wanted to turn him in to HR, I'd stand up for her, but she never did.  Turn him in, I mean.    

Heh, just wait until he finds out he's got to write his own scrap tickets now. 

OK, moving right along.  Today is half priced chocolate day, but I decided to forgo going to the store.  I'll just wait until my regular shopping day tomorrow and see if they have any left.  I don't really need that much sugar anyway.  

I came on home and went to check the bluebonnets.  I have nine little plants that survived the freeze, and this is the strongest one. 

These are the ones I planted last September.  

By the way, I looked on Amazon and found a seed starting kit for a whole lot less than the one on Burpee.  It's got a seed starting tray, a warming mat, and a grow light, and is about half the price of the other one.  

I still don't know where I'd put it.  Maybe if I can find a reliable electrician and get the outlets in my shed fixed, I can put it out there.  I really want to get the whole thing torn down and re-built.  I just can't afford it.  Not to mention the contractors around here will rip off a single woman in a heartbeat -- IF they show up at all.  The few who do seem to be trustworthy are way out of my budget.

Sigh, why couldn't I have been born rich instead of a side show freak?  


Amnicon Studio said...

It's so nice when things change for the better in the workplace. <3

I'm so glad to see some of your bluebonnets made it.

What seed starting kit did you get? You really don't need anything very fancy for seed starting. My set up is one of those bookshelf greenhouses, lights and heat mat purchased separately on Amazon.

Becky G said...

I haven't gotten one yet, but I'm looking at one similar to what you're describing on Amazon. It's got the mini greenhouse, grow light, and heat mat. I just don't know where I'd put it right now.

Amnicon Studio said...

The footprint isn't very big. I do know what you mean, though. Every where I've lived, since I started gardening, I've found a spot for them. Last year I had one in my bedroom. :-)