Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Life! Life!  I have given my creation liiiiife!!!

Ok, yeah, that was a bit dramatic, but look at what I found when I got home this afternoon!  

This is one of the sunflowers I planted, and there are three altogether.  I hope the rest germinate, and I hope they survive.  Still nothing from the other two types of plants, though, but look what else is showing signs of life.  

This is what I believe to be a wild blackberry.  We shall see.  

While I was wandering around the back yard, I found some violets starting to bloom. 

And more of my daffodils are starting to open up.  

Unfortunately, my little bluebonnets look like they're dying.  My friend who lives in New Braunfels is already getting blooms, but mine are struggling.  I know I should probably just give up, but I'd really love to have a little stand of home here.  I'm considering getting one of those big, half-barrel looking planters and planting them year to year.  It looks like that's the only way I'm going to get me some bluebonnets.   

In the midst of all that, I decided to repot my Venus Fly Trap.   I left him in the same pot, but separated the rhizomes and spread them out a bit. 

He looks pretty rough right now because he is just beginning to come out of his winter dormancy.  He'll settle down in a few weeks and start putting out new leaves.   I probably won't need to re-pot him for another 2-3 years, and by that time, he will need a bigger pot.  

All that to say, my poor potting table is in the back part of the shed that used to be old chicken coops.  I had it tucked right up against the back wall, but the only problem is it's so dark back there I can't even see. 

I kept having to bring Marty Mac out into the sunlight so I could see what I was doing.  I finally got fed up and re-arranged.  I brought the potting table up towards the front of the old coop where it's got plenty of light now.  

It's much easier to see what I'm doing now.  Alas, it's much easier for you to see what a mess I left...Eh, I'm going to re-pot my Whatever Cacti soon, and I'll clean it all up soon. 

In other news, they've got this new thing going at work -- besides the weird music, that is.  Instead of just posting the announcements on the screens like they used to, now they have two of the HR people giving them like a news break.  They call it ADP News You Can Use.   The main problem with that is, you can't hear them.  If anyone is paging, or any machines are running, or a forklift is driving by they completely drown out the sound from the TV screen.  

One thing they're going to start doing is having a couple of employees of the month.  Other than that, I have no idea what the rest of the announcements were.   But I think what they're really doing is trying to convince us that this isn't a horrible and toxic place to work. 

The chamber of commerce announced yesterday that a new industry would be coming to Grenada soon, and Milwaukee Tools has started accepting applications, and the "core group of employees who will stay with us no matter how badly we treat them" are going to be aging out and retiring soon...

I think they're starting to panic a bit.

More about that in another post.  Right now, I need to get something to eat. 


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