Sunday, February 11, 2024

Here We Go

 Well, I did it.  I dragged that cross stitch out and worked on it a bit. 

The first thing I did was to make myself a working copy of the pattern, because the first one I'd made wasn't in color, for one thing, and some of the symbols didn't show up a all.  I don't know why,  It's always a good idea to make a working copy, just in case.  

Then I had to go get my regular magnifying glass, because when I put on the reading glasses I had, nothing was in focus.  I had to hold the work right up to my face, which was too close to be practical.  I think I have some around here that are a different magnification, so I'll try to find them to see if they work any better.  

Anyway, I worked on it for about an hour while streaming the church service, and when that was over, I put the cross stitch aside and picked up my knitting. 

I got super excited when I saw the movie The Lost King was up on Hulu, so naturally I had to watch it.  It's about them finding Richard III in a car park in Leicester back in 2012-ish.  I remember back when that happened, too.  I was totally geeking out about it.  

Back in the day, I watched a documentary about them finding him, but it's not available in the U.S. any more.  There are others I've found that I want to watch, but I can't find that first one any more.  I'd also watched this movie when it first became available to rent, and was so glad to see it's not up on Hulu.  

This is one I can see myself watching over and over.  And on that vein, let me just leave you with this:


Amnicon Studio said...

Your readers may be too strong for cross stitching. I've learned for myself that anything past +2.0 is worse than nothing.

I remember when the king was found in the parking lot. I can't believe that much time has passed already.

Becky G said...

That's what I was thinking, too. If I remember right, I'd bought a three pack with three different strengths. I have no idea where the other two pair ended up, though. They've got to be in this house somewhere, right?

Amnicon Studio said...

Hopefully you find them. Some of the walmart ones are pretty inexpensive, thankfully.