Monday, July 24, 2023

Boring Work Stuff

 As soon as I got to work this morning, I heard the rumors.  I knew better than to believe them, but still, we'd all had our hopes up.  One of my coworkers even started singing "Ding Dong the witch is dead'.  

Alas, it was not to be.  Along about 6:10, we were all sorely disappointed when we saw supervisor walk in.  Apparently, he hadn't been laid off after all, as the rumors had said, and apparently, his days of showing up to work on time have also come to an end.  Or maybe that's just because the production manager wasn't there today.  Whatever.  He was back to coming in after the shift starts.

The other rumor I've also heard is that two supervisors on second shift got fired Friday, but I don't know why.  Now they are asking for volunteers from day shift supervisors to go to second shift.  I haven't heard any of them say they want to go, so I guess the powers that be are going to make someone go.  Since our supervisor has the least seniority, we're all hoping it will be him.  I don't know who our supervisor will be if they do send him, but whoever it is has got to be better.  

They announced Friday that they are also sending a bunch of employees to second shift starting next week.  This week the ones who will be going are in training, because they don't know yet what jobs they'll be doing.  When I heard that, I said, "Training???? Since when does this plant do training???"  I've been there 28 years, and never got any training, other than "Here is a job.  Do it."  I ain't lying. They've always just stuck me in a job and expected me to figure it out, and the only way I knew I was doing it right was if I didn't get chewed out for doing it wrong. Even when I told them I didn't know how to do whatever job they wanted me to, they just said to go do it anyway.    

Heh, I have a coworker who is ...well, just a bit of a dim bulb.  She told me, "Thith ith jutht crathy! They're laying off all thethe people on thecond thift, then want to thend people from day thift back to thecond thift.  If they needed people on thecond thift, they thould have kept the oneth already on that thift."

I replied, "Would it be fair to keep someone on second shift who had nine points, but lay off someone on day shift who only has 4 just because they need someone in that position?  Or to lay off someone who's been here 20 years, and keep someone who's only been here 2, just because that person is already on second shift?"  She said, "Well, I gueth not."  But the real kicker is that we have this exact same conversation at least once a week.  You'd think she'd have gotten it through her head by this time, but nooooo.   I'll lay odds we'll have this conversation several more times before it's all said and done.

By the way, I'd mentioned to a couple of the other brazers about the new product the company is supposed to be introducing soon, and they hadn't heard about it, either.  I wonder when they plan on telling us about it.  Probably the day we start running it down the lines is when they'll tell us.  That's how they usually do things out there.   Back in the day, they communicated with the employees a whole lot better than they do now. That all ended when Scott Reid and Bob Moody left. 

That's about all I have for today, unless you want to hear about Shark Week, but since I know some of you won't click on a link unless it has a photo, here is a drawing I did way back when I was trying to learn how to draw.

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