Friday, March 10, 2023

I'm Free!

 "Whatcha going to do with all that time off?" my supervisor asked just before quitting time today.  

"Probably sit in front of the TV all week," was my reply.  "I've got a long list of things I have planned, but I probably won't do any of them."  

But I might actually end up doing something after all.  My friend will have her grandson all week, and she told me he doesn't know it yet, but she's not going to let him just sit the whole time.  She's goign to make him get out and walk some.  

"Oooh, you ought to take him out to walk some of those nature trails at the lake," I exclaimed.  "I bet he'll love that!" 

"Oh, no!  I'll be scared," was her reply.  "If I see a snake, I'll run off and leave him!"

"Call me,"  I told her.  "I'll come with you."

So, that's one thing.  I also need to do my taxes, clean my junk room, and go dress shopping. 

After work, I debated for a long time on whether to go on and do my weekly shopping or just wait until Monday.  In the end, I went on in to town, where I ran into Edna Who Loves To See Her Name In My Blog and her husband Recently Retired Reuben, along with another coworker.  We chatted for a bit about nothing of consequence, then went our separate ways.  It was good to see them again.

As is my custom, while in the store, I had to check out the yarn aisle, and guess what I found.  One more of the half price yarns!  Woo Hoo!  

It was stuck way in the back behind some other yarn, looking all lonely by itself, so I had to give it a home.  In the meantime, I'm still working on the hat I cast on yesterday.  I asked Evil Incarnate to model it for me, and I don't think she was too happy about that. 

And finally...I am not giving up on my bluebonnets.  

I've got some already planted, but I got four more packets of seeds to put back and plant in the Fall, since that's when you're really supposed to.  However, I have to get the seeds now, because they won't have any in September.  

And I got a couple of these wildflower seed packets.  I'd tossed some out last fall, and they're starting to come up.  Hopefully they'll grow.  These I'm going to toss out probably early next month, and just see what comes out of them. 

I guess that's all I have for tonight.  I'll catch you on the flip side. 

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