Saturday, December 18, 2021

Finished Object

Yes, the hat is finished!  

 It turned out pretty good, even if I do say so myself.  I haven't cast on the matching scarf yet.  I'll do that here in a little bit.  I'll probably have to do some experimenting to see how I can make it wider, but we'll get there eventually. 

And yet, in the back of my mind, there is a little voice whispering, "You need to finish all the projects you already have on the needles.  Or at least some of them...OK, just one.  Just finish one project before casting on another one..." 

"Hush!"  I tell my little voice, as I pick up my needles and yarn.  "Just hush..."

In other news, I really need to come up with some different segues, but for now, you'll just have to deal with the same old same, carrying on...

In other news, I got a box from my sister today, which contained the rest of our Christmas presents.  She'd told me that nothing was wrapped, so I hadn't planned on opening it until Christmas day, but she also included a pattern my grandma had been working on, and my sister said if anyone in the family could figure it out, it would be me.  I tried to resist, but I wanted to see what Grandma had been doing, so I opened the box early.  

Here is the pattern my sister included, 

if you can see it.  I haven't really looked too hard at it, as crochet isn't my thing.  But Grandma had started what appears to be a sampler, as if she were trying to see how the pattern was working up. 

It's only about 12" wide, not counting the fringe, but I imagine if you add a few more repeats, you can make it as wide as you wanted. 

My grandma died when I was 14, and I don't have a lot that was hers, so this is a real treasure to me. 

I spent the rest of the day watching Christmas shows, trying to get into the Christmas spirit.  It's been hard, because it's been so warm and sticky these last couple of days.  The good news is, a cold front passed through today, and it's cooled off significantly.  I'm so glad, because it's been plumb miserable here.  It's supposed to get down into the low 30s tonight, and it's not supposed to get out of the 40s or low 50s tomorrow, so I lugged up a bunch of firewood.  That little wood heater sure makes things cozy in the house. 

More good news, even though the plumber didn't come back, whatever they did to my sink seemed to help some.  It isn't fixed, but it is draining now, albeit super slowly.   At least when Cody and Brennan come down, they'll be able to wash their hands without overflowing my sink -- until I can get it fixed completely.  If I can ever find a plumber who will show up and do the job, that is.  

More good news, you will have a Christmas concert this year, even if it is only one song.  I recorded the first one last night on my phone, just to see if I could do it.  I mean, I don't have a phone stand or anything, so the big thing was figuring out how to prop it so that it would be stable, and I could still reach the record button.  So, it was meant to be a dry run, but since I made it through the song with no mistakes, I decided to upload it anyway.  

That's the funny thing.  I can play these songs over and over again, with no problem, but the minute I turn the camera on, it's like I've never seen them before.  My biggest problem is I tend to play too fast.  When I slow down, I do fine.  Anyway, you will get at least A song this year.  Which is more than you got last year, because I just wasn't into it last year. 

Meanwhile, I was poking around on YouTube and found this....well, just watch it for yourself: 

Then I found this one:

They look like they're having so much fun -- which is what I aspire to.  I have no desire to perform.  I just want to play for fun.  

That being said, I think I will go have fun playing some now.  


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