Friday, July 24, 2020

So, That Also Happened

Me:  Oh, I'm so tired!  All these long hours are wearing us out!  They're driving us into the ground!

Also Me:  Sure, I'll volunteer to work Sunday!

Also Also Me:  Ugh, why did I say I'd work Sunday?  I'm going to tell her I'm not coming in.

Also Also Also Me:  You know good and well you're too broke to be turning down overtime.

Also Also Also Also Me:  Yay!  They cancelled Sunday work.  I'm so glad I don't have to come in!

Also Also Also Also Also Me:  But that paycheck sure would have looked nice.  

Alrighty, then...

There I was at work, just a working away, when I heard someone call my name.  Turning around, I saw my coworker Linda.  She said, "I was in Walmart yesterday, and they have the Autumn Mix out.  I saw it and said, 'Becky is going to be happy to see that!'"

Boy, do my peeps know me or what!
And since we aren't going to have our health screenings this year, I can go ahead and start buying it up!  Normally, I wait until afterwards, so my triglycerides will be a bit lower -- I hope-- but they've waived it this year because of the pandemic.  So, yay for that.  

I mean, cancelling the health screenings.  Not the pandemic.  Boo for the pandemic.  

Thank goodness its all fake, right?

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