Wednesday, July 15, 2020

I Figured It Would Happen

Ok, well, I didn't so much figure it would happen as I'm not surprised that it did. 

And what was it that happened, you ask?  Well, I'll tell you. 

Someone turned the plant in to OSHA for safety violations.  They are required to post it every time someone does that, and I saw the form on the bulletin board this morning.  And what was the complaint? 

Apparently, someone thinks the plant allows people to continue working after they have been diagnosed with COVID - 19, and they don't clean and sanitize the place, and don't enforce social distancing.  

OK, I agree with that last one, because we brazers are practically standing on top of each other as it is, but the other two are absolutely ridiculous.  As my worker who recently recovered from COVID said, if you get it, you aren't going to be able to come in to work.  It laid her out flat on her back for 5 days. My cousin said the same thing when she had it.  She felt so weak, she could hardly get out of bed.  Even if they allowed it -- which they don't -- it's highly unlikely you'd be able to come to work anyway, so that one is just stupid. 

Now, here's the thing.  I don't know who made this complaint to OSHA, because these things are supposed to be anonymous.  However, there is one person...if they came out and said, "Oh, yes, she's the one who called them", it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.   See, when my coworker tested positive, they had the cleaning guy come out and spray everyone's stand down with some sort of disinfectant -- as if a 1500+ degree flame hadn't already killed any hint of virus that was on them.  

But oh, well.  Anyway, he got to the last person's stand and ran out of cleaner.  He said, "I'll be right back", and went and got some more.  Only it was a different type of cleaner.  The first bottle he had had blue fluid in it.  This one had clear fluid.  This particular person pitched an absolute wall eyed hissy fit that would make any two year old proud, because she said he was using plain water on her stand.  He wasn't, but she refused to listen.  They even got the head of safety and the man in charge of chemical storage to come out and try to talk her off the ledge, but she insisted the cleaning man was just using water. 

This is why they need to do away with that idiotic zero tolerance policy.  Some of these people desperately desperately need the stupid slapped out of them. 

Back to my matter how many times they told her he'd used a real disinfectant on her stand, she stuck to her claim that he'd used plain water -- because it was clear.  

"I assure you he did not use plain water on your stand," said Safety Lady.  

"But it was clear!"  

Yeah, diluted bleach is clear.  So is isopropyl alcohol.  So is hydrochloric acid, though I seriously doubt he'd use that on her stand.  Heh, she wouldn't have much of a stand left if he did.  

"But he got that from over there," she said, pointing.  

"Yes, we have chemical storage over there," replied chemical storage man.  

What made it really bad is that the person pitching the fit works at least 15 feet away from the one who'd gotten sick.  Even if Sick Coworker had coughed coronavirus all over her stand, it's not like the virus is going to get up and jump all the way over to Hissy Fit's stand.  So the whole thing was just ridiculous.

We're supposed to have a town hall meeting tomorrow morning, so maybe they'll discuss the OSHA complaint with us.  I'll let you know how it goes.

One more thing, another one of my cousin's has had to put her husband into the hospital with COVID.  He's got a rare lung condition that makes it especially dangerous for him.  He is in the pulmonary care unit at his local hospital.  Please lift him up in prayer if you've a mind to.  

I know it would be appreciated.  

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