Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Random Thoughts Of A ....What Day Is It Anyway?

1.  My coworker's 5 year old grandbaby is sick, and they don't know what it is.  It's not the COVID, because he already had that.  Today, they had to take him to get some blood drawn.  When they got back into the car, the little boy said, "Those people are trying to kill me."  

2.  A bit of good news:  my cousin's husband was released from the hospital yesterday.  He's the one that had been battling COVID.  He's still has to get his strength back, but they no longer feel his life is in danger.  

3.  I got some new candles from my friend Kristine's ETSY shop, Stormy Blue.  I know Krampus is a Christmas candle, but it smells of fresh cut lumber, which is just about one of my favorite scents in the world. 

She's got lots of unique scents, so do check her out.  I'm still trying to convince her to make a couple of custom scents for me.  One is sweet feed and saddle leather, and the other is salt air, creosote, and dead fish.  I'd call that one Bolivar Ferry Landing.  Every time I lit it, I'd hear the sea gulls calling....

4.  Stalker is seriously jonesing to get his old job back.  I overheard The Big Man Up Front telling him, "It's not a matter of you being on the shop floor.  It's a matter of whether you want to be here at all."  Somehow, I don't think he's going to get that job back.  Funny thing is, a couple of weeks ago, he was telling us they were begging him to take it back, and he turned it down.  Eh, he lies more than the speaks the truth.  Nobody even listens to a word he says. 

5.  I did some science last week.   I'll write up a whole post on it whenever I have a minute to breathe, but I can tell you for sure, that myth about dog's mouths being cleaner than humans' mouths is so not true. 

I think next time I do science, I'm going to take my photos against a darker background, though.  You can hardly see my bacteria cultures.  But more about that later...

6.  I saw a new fawn a few days ago.  So far, there has only been one.  I haven't seen my older doe, either...the one that was so poor last year.  I'm afraid she might not have made it through the winter.  By the way, Walmart has deer corn back in stock.  I'll probably still go to Tractor Supply for my bird seed, though.  They have a 50 lb bag for only $15, and the birds seem to really like it.

7.  I've caught two little birds in my live trap this week.  Both were released unharmed.  I think they were sparrows.  

8.  It's really hard to practice your sight reading when you're so tired you can't even see.  

9.  The plant handed out care packages yesterday.  See?  It even says so. And just to show you how much they care, they put photos of front office people with their families on it. 

So they can show us how much they care as they're driving us into the ground like a bunch of dogs, I guess.

10.  And what was in said care package?  Five masks and a pack of gum.  

Oh, boy.  I feel so cared about.  Half dead with exhaustion, but hey, they care!

11.  Cody got stuck behind a tractor on his way to work this morning.  What I really want to know is, why in the world was there a tractor in downtown Memphis, and more importantly, what was it going to plow???

12.  Stalker is about to get his butt whipped.  He's always been one to play childish pranks on everyone, and now that he's a peon, he's driving the poor lady who works beside him up the wall.  One day last week, he wrote "You're a ho" on one of her pieces of copper.  We told her she should have taken it to HR, but she'd already wiped it off.  The next day, she had a little pile of brazing rod on her table.  When she went to pick a piece up to braze a part, she found he'd melted the ends so they all stuck together.  Then he runs over to one of the part stagers and cries about how it was only a joke and she had no business getting mad over it.  

13.  Today, the other brazer who works across from him, and the one he's tormenting made up a little song.  That song goes as follows (substituting his name for the word Stalker):

Stalker's a fool, and I don't care,
Stalker's a fool, and I don't care,
Stalker's a fool, and I don't care, 
I wish he'd go away!

They were singing it loudly, too, and didn't even care that he was standing right there.  

14.  That's about it for today.  It's already past my bedtime, and I still need to practice my piano, so goodnight everybody!

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