Monday, July 22, 2019


God bless Willis Haviland Carrier for inventing the thing,

Willis Carrier - Wikipedia

and Mr. Tony Medders (for you local folks -- I highly recommend him) for fixing mine!

So, there I was yesterday evening, just a practicing my piano, when I noticed I was sweating a bit.  I thought at first it was because I was getting frustrated with this new piece I'm trying to learn, so I took a minute of a break.

But I was still sweating.

"Something ain't right here,"  I said to myself.  I got up and checked my thermometer, and sure enough, it was getting quite warm in the house.

"Well, the unit just came on; I'll give it a minute to see if it cools off any," I said to myself. 

A minute later, it was even warmer than before.  I went outside and checked the unit, and the whole thing had locked up.  The fan wasn't blowing at all, and the motor was just groaning.  I shut the unit off at the outside breaker, and we all retreated into the bedroom, which has a window unit. 

And by we all, I mean the dogs and me.  Eh, it was nearly bedtime anyway. 

This morning, instead of turning the window unit off as per my usual custom, I left it running so my dogs wouldn't get too hot.  Yes, I have spoiled dogs, I know.  I waited until a reasonable hour -- certain that he wouldn't want to be awakened at 3:00 when I get up-- then texted the A/C man and told him what had happened.  He came out after work -- my work, that is -- and replaced the malfunctioning motor, and I have a cool house once again!

Surprisingly enough, though, when I got home from work, the house wasn't as hot as I thought it'd be.  That little window unit kept it relatively cool.  I mean, it was warm, but not unbearably so.  The bad news is, the bedroom is freezing.  I ought to sleep good tonight! 

Hey, at least it all happened on a cloudy day, during a rare July cool spell.  And it didn't cost nearly as much as I thought it would.  I mean, appliance repair is always going to be high, but at least I can still go to Fiber Fun In The 'Sip in September!


P.S.  If Willis Carrier were not long since deceased, I'd make him my imaginary boyfriend.  As it is, he's my hero. 

He's a right handsome fellow, isn't he?

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