Friday, September 04, 2009


my lack of posting lately. I just don't feel up to it.

I really miss Katie. I mean, I knew I'd miss her, but I didn't realize how much I'd miss her.

Cody's already talking about getting another dog, and I'm torn on this. It would be his dog, but it would really be my dog, like Katie was. I'd be the the one having to feed it, housebreak it, train it, etc. I just don't know if I want to go through that right now.

Maybe when I can make it through a single day without crying.

I haven't yet.


Lizzie Woolley said...

Sorry about Katie. I've never lost a pet, yet. My family's cat is getting up there though. Good thing that she's not that old yet; however, she's fat. My Grandma just lost her dog named Cinder. She got him when I was a little girl. It stinks when pets get old.

Perpetual Beginner said...


I've never really lost a pet either. The only dog I had prior to Nicky was Cosby, who came to us at 8 years old. While he lived to 16, he ended up staying with my in-laws when we moved to Arizona. By the time he died, he'd lived with them for two years, which reduced the attachment a lot.

Nicky is on borrowed time at this point, and I'm dreading what I'll do when it's time to put him down.

Becky G said...

Lizzie, thank you. It's tough losing a pet, especially one you've had as long as we'd had Katie.

Cindy, I've lost lots of pets, but this is the first time I've ever had to make The Decision. That is the hardest part--constantly wondering if I'd made the right call. If she'd gotten so broken down and decrepit it would have been easier, but I didn't want her to get to the point that life was pure misery for her. But I'm still wondering, what if.

I just can't seem to shake the guilt that I'd somehow let her down. She trusted me, and I let her down.

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

Just my two cents worth - I'd wait a little longer. Not much, because I'm sure a new pet will raise your spirits. But let yourself grieve a little bit first. Okay, last word from Dr. M.A.M. : )

Becky G said...

Thanks, MAM, but it's OK. I told my cousin that I couldn't even think about it just yet. The puppies had just been born, so it'll be a while before they can leave their mama anyway. By that time, I should be ready to make that decision.