Monday, October 03, 2022

Let The Games Begin

I've wanted a card table for quite some time, now.  I'd just never gotten one.   Oh, I'd look at them at Walmart or Amazon and think, "It would be so nice to have a card table" but I kept putting off getting one.

All that came to a head over the weekend, when Cody wanted to play his new Grenada-opoly game...only we didn't have a place to sit down and do that.  I told them they could get down in the floor and play, but I was too old to do that myself.  So, we didn't play. 

I told Brennan, "I've got a whole closet full of games up there, and no one to play them with.  And look!" I said, showing her a jigsaw puzzle.  "I love doing jigsaw puzzles, but I don't have any place to work one."  When Cody mentioned coming back for Thanksgiving, I knew something had to happen before then. 

Naturally, I did what any red-blooded American would do.  I got onto Amazon and ....woo wee!  The first card table that popped up in my search results was $300+.  No wonder I don't have one. 

"Let me look at and see what they have."  That's where I found it.  And marked down at that.

It has four chairs in the set.  I just didn't drag all four out for the photo.  

We now have a place to play, so let the games begin! 

The best part is, the table folds up for storage!

That was actually one of my hesitations in getting one, not having a place to store it, but this will fit right into the same closet where the games are. And so will the chairs.  

In other news, after I'd blogged yesterday, I went into one of the local FB groups and asked if anyone knew any young plumbers just starting out and trying to build up their clientelle.  I explained that I needed part of my main sewer line replaced, but I'd been blown off  --yes I said it-- (or ripped off) by just about every plumber in town.  At this point, I didn't even know who to call.  I said I was looking to give a job to anyone willing to work. 

I posted, then closed my computer and settled in to watch Top Gun: Maverick -- which, by the way, if you haven't seen it, you need to.  But you'd need to go back and watch the first one if you haven't, or the story won't make much sense.  Without giving too much away, let me just say, I was glad to see one of the heroes from the first movie making an appearance in this one, as well.  

Here's something I'll bet you didn't know.  The first Top Gun movie was a big influence on my decision to join the Navy.  My dad was the other one.  He'd wanted to join the Navy after high school, but the Army drafted him first.  He even had to leave for basic training before he graduated.  They mailed him his diploma, since it was only a few weeks of school he missed.  Still, he'd always had dreams of being a sailor.  We used to play sea captain in the back yard when I was a kid.  But I digress....

About an hour into the movie, my phone rang.  I figured it was either Spam Risk or Telemarketer, since they're the ones that call me the most, so I picked up my phone to silence it.  That's when I saw, it wasn't either of those.  It was the last plumber I had called. 

He said he'd seen my post on FB and called to apologize.  He'd had a lot going on, his wife just having given birth to twins, and he'd thought his employees had taken care of my problem.  He said he was sincerely sorry, and this was not how he did business.  I told him I understood, but I had been ghosted by so many other plumbers/contractors/lawn care people, etc., when his employees didn't come back, I just figured it had happened again. 

Long story short, he said he was going to get my sewer line taken care of this week.  I wanted to believe him, I really did, but I guess I'm a bit short on trust these days. 

After an entire work day telling myself not to get my hopes up...I came home to....

the 811 people had been here!  Squeeeeeee!  It looks like he came through and I'm going to have a functioning sewer again!  Finally!  I can take long showers once again!  Cody and Brennan can come more often -- and let me tell you, those two are water hogs!  I think they each took an hour long shower Saturday morning.  Not that it's a problem when the water will drain, and maybe, just maybe I can finally fill that sinkhole in!  

It's kind of sad what you get excited about when you're over 50...

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