Monday, October 31, 2022


Normally, I don't go all ghoulish and gory on Halloween, but when I saw this mask in Walmart a few weeks ago, I simply couldn't resist.  

As soon as I saw it hanging there, I thought, "Boy, I'll bet I can scare the life out of [Coworker] with this mask!"  And even though it was kind of pricey, I bought it anyway. 

I went to work bright and early this morning, and as soon as I got to my stand, I put the mask on.  I had to take it off before my shift started because I couldn't see a blamed thing, but before...I was doing something -- I don't even remember what -- and when I turned around, I heard a scream.  Success!

The really funny thing is, sometime later, I walked over to tell that same coworker something.  She was talking to someone else, so I patiently waited behind her for her to finish, because interrupting is rude, you know. 

But when she turned around and saw me there -- without the mask on, mind you -- she screamed even louder than before.  I laughed so hard I thought I was going to wet on myself. 

In other news, I submitted a search request to USPS for my still missing stamps.  Hopefully, that'll kick them in the rear to track them down and deliver them. 

And finally, I'll leave you with my traditional Halloween prayer, 

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