Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Random Thoughts Of A Tuesday Evening

1.  Yes, you read that right, and no, I did not forget what day it is.  This was actually the post I was going to write yesterday, but when I opened up my computer and heard about the horrible school shooting in Texas, suddenly, it didn't seem so important. 

2.  I have this sinkhole by my back fence.  

It's been there ever since I had all that plumbing replaced right after I moved into this house.  No matter how much dirt I put in there, it keeps coming back.  My fear was that it was somehow getting into the sewer line and washing down the drain -- so to speak. 

Today, I got home from work and checked my cleanout, and sure enough, it was backed up again.  I got my trusty Drain King and began flushing it out.  While that was going on, I put in a call to the plumber, and wonder of wonders, he answered the phone!  Well, it was his wife, but still.  

I explained what was going on, and she said it would be in the morning before they could come.  I said I'd be at work, but for them to just come do what they needed to do.  She called back a few minutes later and told me they'd had a job cancelled, so they could come today.  Cool beans!

They came out and ran a camera down the line...and right there where that sinkhole is, the pipes were full of mud.  Apparently, my fears were valid.  I told him I'd had the whole sewer line replaced just five years ago, and it had been that way ever since.  He asked who'd done the job, and when I told him, the look on his face told me everything I needed to know.  

The bad news is, they're going to have to replace the whole sewer line again.  The good news is, this time, it'll be done right.  It'll be a couple of days before he can get to it, though.  He's got a church whose whole line is collapsed, and they've got a Bishop coming this week.  Yeah, take care of them first.  I'll be OK.  

Before he left, he got his reamer thingy and cleaned out the lines as best he could, so it should hold me until they can get back to me.  I told him to do whatever he needed to do -- he didn't need to clear it with me first, just get it fixed.  It'll take a chunk out of my savings, but hopefully, this time, I'll be done with that fool sewer line.

3.  It was raining so hard this morning, Jesse wouldn't go outside to do his business.  Before I left for work, I told him if he needed to go, please, please, please go on the vinyl flooring and not on the carpet.  He's such a good boy, he did just what I told him to do.  He went on the vinyl and not the carpet.  I reassured him I wasn't mad, and I just cleaned it up.  That's a long time to expect a dog to hold it. And I'm thankful he didn't go on the carpet.

4.  Amazingly enough, they've given us the weekend off!  My plans for the weekend are to vacuum and shampoo the carpet in both bedrooms, then mow and spread my weed killer.  Notice, I said those are my plans.  Whether it happens or not is a different story.  

5.  I was practicing my piano the other day, and started learning a new song.  On the top of the page, I saw this note:

Hmmm, I thought, I ought to try that.  I went into my snake/craft/computer room and dug out my button box.  Inside, I found five large buttons and....let me tell you, it's not easy playing these things perfectly five times in a row!  

I'm used to multi-tasking when I practice, but to do this takes concentration.  It's also very time consuming.  If I continue to use this method, I may have to cut back to only learning one song per week.  Either that, or stop blogging.  Or stay off Facebook.  

6.  By the way, they're opening a Milwaukee Tools factory here. That's been the talk of the plant ever since they made the decision sometime last year.  I have debated back and forth over whether to apply once they start hiring for peon positions.  By the time they get up and running, I'll be 59 -- or nearly so.  I'm not sure I want to start completely over so close to retirement.  That's a lot of seniority and vacation time I'd be giving up.  

7.  It's been a week since my oral surgery, and I can finally have carbonated drinks again!  Naturally, the first one I had was a Dr Pepper.  Everything is healing well, though the extraction sites are still tender.  I'd tried to put my partial in Monday, but it was too painful, so I'm probably going to wait a few more days before I try again.  

8.  I guess that's all for today.  Laters  

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