Thursday, December 02, 2021

Well, Here's A New One

 Well, here's a new one for you.  

As you may recall, I got a new phone last week, and as is typical when you get a new phone, I've had to re-enter all my IDs and passwords for the sites I frequently visit.  This morning -- because I have to buy a new washing machine -- I decided to look up the balance in my savings account.

Wonder of wonders, I remembered my password, even after years of just using my fingerprint to sign in.  What I didn't remember was my user name.  I think this is the first time that's ever happened.  I usually remember my user name, but not the password, or I forget both.  But you know me.  I gotta be the odd duck.  

All that to say, I was checking my savings account to make sure I wouldn't put myself in a financial bind with buying a new washing machine.  Said account was still pretty well padded, so after work, I went to the local appliance store.  Unfortunately, they didn't have very many washing machines in stock, and none of them were front loading.  I didn't want to settle for something I didn't really want, so I thanked the sales clerk for her time, then came home and ordered one from Lowe's.  It almost made me sick to my stomach to spend that much money, but a washer is kind of a necessity.  

The one I chose was one I had looked at when I was up there week before last, and the bonus is it was on sale.  It is scheduled to be delivered Saturday, which will be convenient, as I will be home most of the day anyway, watching what little football is left.  Really, the only two games I'm interested in are the Big XII championship between OK ST and Baylor, and the SEC Championship between Alabama and Georgia.  On CBS.  Oh boy.  Gary Danielson...

The good news is, I was able to get my old washer moved out to the carport with no problem, and honestly, the hardest part was getting the cat out of the way.  And I spoke to my coworker today to see him if he still picked up old washers to sell for scrap metal.  He said he did, so that's taken care of, too.  I just have to let him know when he can come get it.  

So, what else is going on?  Let's see...

Back when I cast on this hat

the pattern called for a size 9 needle.  I tore the house up looking for the ones I knew I had, but didn't find them.  I though, "No problem.  I'll just use a size 10," but after tearing the house up looking, I couldn't find them either.  

Alas, there was only one thing left to do.  I hopped onto Knit Picks and ordered two sets of each. 

Then I thought, "Hmmm, let me get some more of that Brava, so I can make a matching hat, mittens and a cowl."  So I bought two skeins.

Then I bought two more.

Then I noticed they had some colors on clearance for really cheap prices, so I got some. 

Then I got some more.

I really like that Brava yarn.  It's acrylic, so it's easy care, but it's really soft, unlike some other acrylic brands.  I know Red Heart is a crap shoot.  Sometimes you get some that's really soft.  Other times, it feels like barbed wire.  But Brava is really nice.  

In fact, I think I'll find something to cast on, while I watch the original 1971 version of The Homecoming.  


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